Unger (247)2440 Unger, Abram Abram (1900)
5555 Unger, Abram Abram (1908)
5650 Unger, Abram Cornelius (1901)
2054 Unger, Abraham Jacob (1867)
2111 Unger, Aganetha (1899)
2526 Unger, Agatha (1881)
1109 Unger, Agatha Johann (1903)
4126 Unger, Agathe Pet (1895)
3022 Unger, Agnes Fr. (1903)
2822 Unger, Anna (1888)4102 Unger, Anna (1891)
3963 Unger, Anna (1893)
0316 Unger, Anna (1903)
2438 Unger, Anna Bernhard (1896)
2843 Unger, Anna Jacob (1902)
0313, 314 Unger, Anna Johann (1878)
0297 Unger, Anne Herm. (1874)
5652 Unger, Cornelius (1852)
3275 Unger, Cornelius (1898)
1323 Unger, Cornelius Cornelius (1874)
2240 Unger, Daniel (1906)
3977 Unger, David Jakob (1906)
2365 Unger, Elisabeth (1893)
2340, 2341 Unger, Elisabeth (1872)
2526 Unger, Franz Cornelius (1878)
2632 Unger, Gerhard Gerhard (1903)
0316 Unger, Heinrich (1902)
2319 Unger, Heinrich H. (1868)
2365 Unger, Heinrich H. (1890)
4413 Unger, Heinrich Heinrich (1879)
4820 Unger, Heinrich Heinrich (1881)
2321 Unger, Heinrich Jacob (1885)
3963 Unger, Heinrich Johann (1886)
5167 Unger, Heinrich Nicolas (1908)
3364 Unger, Heinrich P. (1882)
1962 Unger, Helena (1857)
3930 Unger, Helena (1863)
2319 Unger, Helena (1868)
3364 Unger, Helena (1883)
2322 Unger, Helena (1902)
3888 Unger, Helena (1905)
2054 Unger, Helena (Pauls) (1883)
0209 Unger, Hilda (1901)
3364 Unger, Irene (1907)
2340, 2341 Unger, Isaak (1908)
2340, 2341 Unger, Isaak Franz (1877)
2340, 2341 Unger, Jacob (1905)
3721 Unger, Jacob Abram (1890)
4186 Unger, Jacob Heinrich (1892)
3275 Unger, Jacob Heinrich (1904)
5456 Unger, Jacob Jacob (1903)
0209 Unger, Jacob Peter (1899)
0079 Unger, Joh.Peter (1897)
2240 Unger, Johann David (1867)
0315, 0316 Unger, Johann Heinrich (1877)
4234 Unger, Johann Heinrich (1898)
2111 Unger, Johann Johann (1895)
0316 Unger, Johann Johann (1902)
5651 Unger, Johann Kornelius (1888)
5652 Unger, Justina (1860)
1129 Unger, Katharina (1894)
2313 Unger, Katharina (1900)
2340, 2341 Unger, Katharina (1906)
4072 Unger, Katharina (1908)
3933 Unger, Katharina Gerhard (1905)
0079 Unger, Katherina (1889)
4072 Unger, Katherina (1908)
1988 Unger, Lisa (1898)
5650 Unger, Lydia (nee Friesen) (1900)
4728 Unger, Margareta (1878)
2267 Unger, Margareta (1895)
4413 Unger, Margaretha (1877)
4234 Unger, Margaretha (1901)
4413 Unger, Margaretha (1908)
3131 Unger, Margaretha Pet. (1887)
4098 Unger, Maria (1883)
2321 Unger, Maria (1885)
1124 Unger, Maria (1891)
4186 Unger, Maria (1897)
0316 Unger, Maria (1906)
5167 Unger, Maria (nee Toews) (1884)
5168 Unger, Nicolai Heinrich (1879)
2187 Unger, Olga Nicolai (1894)
5651 Unger, Ottilie (1903)
1962 Unger, Peter (1855)
4728 Unger, Peter Abr. (1866) |
Unger (247) cont’d2438 Unger, Peter Abram (1897)
3930 Unger, Peter H. (1857)
2313 Unger, Peter Heinrich (1898)
0314 Unger, Peter Johann (1910)
1988 Unger, Peter Kornelius (1888)
1964 Unger, Peter P. (1886)
2822 Unger, Peter Peter (1884)
4102 Unger, Peter Peter (1890)
2267 Unger, Peter Peter (1892)
0316 Unger, Sara (1908)
5646 Unger, Sarah Cornelius (1896)2054 Unger, Sarah Peter (1869)
2240 Unger, Susanna (1887)
3721 Unger, Susanna (1891)
2187 Unger, Wilhelm Peter (1895)
4392 Unger, Woldemar Peter (1906)
Unrau/Unruh (248)
1387 Unrau, Abram Abr. (1873)
2422 Unruh, Agatha (1892)
3263 Unrau, Anna (1889)
2892 Unrau, Anna (1907)
2892 Unrau, Anna David (1876)
1370 Unrau, Anna Peter (1882)
1964 Unrau, Catharina (1889)
0938 Unrau, David Heinrich (1864)
3974 Unrau, Elisabet (1881)
3974 Unrau, Franz Peter (1879)
3259 Unrau, Heinrich Heinrich (1899)
2764 Unrau, Heinrich Jacob (1901)
0938 Unrau, Helena (1882)
0768 Unrau, Helena (1888)
2910 Unrau, Helena (1902)
0938 Unrau, Helena (1905)
1358 Unrau, Isaak Peter (1900)
2892 Unrau, Jacob (1905)
0524 Unrau, Jacob Franz (1897)
0530 Unrau, Jacob Jacob (1893)
2910 Unrau, Johann Heinrich (1861)
1370 Unrau, Johann Korn. (1888)
0530 Unrau, Katarina (1893)
2895 Unrau, Katarina Peter (1870)
2910 Unrau, Katharina (1869)
1005 Unruh, Katharina (1900)
2895 Unrau, Katharina (1908)
1358 Unrau, Katharina Dan. (1901)
0767 Unrau, Kornelius (1885)
3689, 4903 Unrau, Margaretha (1908)
0524 Unrau, Maria David (1902)
2733 Unrau, Maria Peter (1886)
3263 Unrau, Martin Cornelius (1886)
3974 Unrau, Peter (1905)
2910 Unrau, Peter (1907)
2733 Unrau, Peter Kornelius (1883)
4938 Unruh (nee Bergen), Anna (1897)
2088 Unruh, Abraham (1903)
2088 Unruh, Abram Heinr (1878)
1577 Unruh, Agnes (1904)
3071 Unruh, Agnes (1908)
2559 Unruh, Arthur (1905)
4829 Unruh, Benjamin Heinrich (1883)
1577 Unruh, Cornelius P. (1902)
5330 Unruh, Cornelius W. (1904)
3672 Unruh, David Abram (1895)
3050 Unruh, David Franz (1899)
1612 Unruh, David Heinr. (1894)
3672 Unruh, Elisabeth (1898)
4725 Unruh, Elisabeth W. (1889)
3071 Unruh, Frieda (1906)
2273 Unruh, Gerhard (1908)
3071 Unruh, Gerhard Heinrich (1870)
2559 Unruh, Heinrich (1900)
4073 Unruh, Heinrich (1907)
4938 Unruh, Heinrich H. (1825)
4152 Unruh, Helena (1859)
3071 Unruh, Helena (1869)
2591 Unruh, Helena (1892)
1577 Unruh, Helene (1891)
4829 Unruh, Jacob (1900)
0600 Unruh, Johan Tobias (1896)
4830 Unruh, Johann Benj. (1913)
1475 Unruh, Johann David (1902)
4152 Unruh, Johann Heinrich (1893) |
Privacy of Living Persons: In order to protect the privacy of persons on the CMBoC records who may still be living, the MHSA has decided to remove the images of these records from the website. The persons listed here were all born 100 years ago or earlier (i.e. 1908 or earlier). Persons born later will be added on an annual basis.The name shown here is as given on the record, i.e. at the time of arrival in Canada. So, in the case of many females, this represents their married names. In some cases, for either gender, it may represent an adopted name. The parentheses after each name contains their birth year as shown on the record.
Improved Index: The CMBoC index pages now groups heads of households on the basis of the GRANDMA surname codes ( p4). By using these codes, all the variant spellings of each surname are given a single code value, such as 001 for Abrams, Abrahams and other variations of that surname. This makes it much easier to find a particular surname in large lists or in databases, searching by code number rather than by trying all the possible ways that the surname may be spelled.
Copies of Records: We invite inquiries and will respond to individual requests for research copies. If possible, cite both full name of household head and four-digit record number in your request. In order to acknowledge our time in filling such requests, we request $10 payment per record supplied in jpg format by e-mail attachment. If you visit the MHSA you can conduct the search yourself and there is no search fee.
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Unrau/Unruh (248) cont’d.
5221 Unruh, John. H. (1900)
2088 Unruh, Katharina (1876)
3071 Unruh, Kornelius (1905)
1458 Unruh, Lena (1900)
0600 Unruh, Lina (1900)
3071 Unruh, Lisa (1897)
1577 Unruh, Margaretha (1896)
4152 Unruh, Maria (1892)
2559 Unruh, Maria (1902)
2667 Unruh, Maria (1907)
5330 Unruh, Maria (nee Hildebrand) (1907)
1577 Unruh, Maria Jacob (1863)
2867 Unruh, Maria Wilhelm (1864)
2559 Unruh, Martha (1903)
1577 Unruh, Martha (1906)
2273 Unruh, Martin (1885)
4866 Unruh, Meta (1883)
1458 Unruh, Nicolai Heinrich (1897)
1612 Unruh, Olga Abr. (1893)
2273 Unruh, Susanna (1888)
5221 Unruh, Susanna (1905)
2908 Unruh, Susanna Ar. (1872)
5626 Unruh, Susanna Jacob (1908)