
of Alberta


Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
Attachment to Executive (& Representatives) Meeting Minutes
MCC (Alberta), Calgary
19 August 2000



  1. Name: Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
  2. Purpose: The purpose of Mennonite Historical Society (MHSA) is to:
    1. collect, preserve, catalogue, store, and exhibit articles and documents of historical value relating to the Mennonites in the Province of Alberta.
    2. foster research, analysis, and publication of essays, dissertations, books, family histories, and more on various aspects of the Mennonite experience.
    3. assist, and encourage Mennonite churches to collect and preserve their own records as they pertain to minutes of meetings, and chronicle special events.
    4. encourage the expression of the Mennonite experience in various areas such as literature, drama, history, fine arts, music, sociology, religion, and to foster interdisciplinary discussions.
    5. foster and promote public understanding of Mennonite history through lectures and provision of resources for schools and other organizations.
    6. foster inter-Mennonite unity and understanding.
    7. provide access to archival materials through personal contact, or through the MHSA web site.

    All funds received try MHSA will be used solely to carry out its purposes. No member or director will benefit from any profits made.

  3. Organizational Structure:
    The Society shall have a governing Board consisting of the Executive Committee with two appointed members at large, and such other committees as are deemed necessary to conduct its activities. The Executive shall be comprised of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. See By-laws for a description of their duties.
  4. Elections:
    All officers shall be elected for a three year term on a rotational basis, and hold office for no more than two consecutive terms. Members-at-large will be appointed on the same basis. Elections will take place at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
  5. Amendments:
    This Constitution may be altered, amended, or repealed at any meeting of the membership provided the proposed change has been announced at least four weeks prior to the meeting.
  6. Dissolution:
    In the event of dissolution of the Society all assets and properties or proceeds from the sale thereof shall be transferred to one or more recognized charitable organizations having objectives similar to those of the Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta.


This Constitution is in force as of the 19th of August, 2000.
Signed on this 19th day of August, 2000.