Hamm (096)0040 Hamm, Abraham Abr. (1869)
2565 Hamm, Abram Abr. (?)
1206 Hamm, Abram Herman (1878)
4659 Hamm, Abram P. (1890)
0250 Hamm, Aganeta (1892)
4094 Hamm, Aganetha (1892)
2696 Hamm, Aganetha (1916)
4071 Hamm, Agatha (1895)
1207 Hamm, Amalie Gottlieb (1890)
0469 Hamm, Anganeta (1896)3532 Hamm, Anna (1861)
0040 Hamm, Anna (1869)
1897 Hamm, Anna (1896)
3234 Hamm, Anna (1896)
4716 Hamm, Anne Jac. (1884)
4661 Hamm, Bernhard (1868)
1336 Hamm, Charlotte (1902)
0251 Hamm, David Abr. (1894)
0469 Hamm, David Abram (1880)
4084 Hamm, David David (1890)
5263 Hamm, David David (1898)
0041 Hamm, Elisabet (1891)
0040 Hamm, Elisabet (1907)
2814 Hamm, Elisabeth Heinrich (1901)
1206 Hamm, Elisabeth Martin (1882)
3532 Hamm, Elizabeth (1898)
4173 Hamm, Elizabeth (1902)
4768 Hamm, Erna (1907)
1206 Hamm, Evangeline Herman (1907)
4094 Hamm, Gerhard G. (1894)
0832 Hamm, Heinrich Aug. (1889)
1837 Hamm, Heinrich Heinrich (1896)
0239 Hamm, Heinrich Jacob (1889)
4346 Hamm, Helena (1902)
0239 Hamm, Helena Abr. (1890)
0832 Hamm, Helena P (1865)
1336 Hamm, Jacob A. (1896)
4345 Hamm, Jacob Bernhard (1900)
3845 Hamm, Jacob Kornelius (1890)
0041 Hamm, Johann Abr. (1890)
1836 Hamm, Katarina (1899)
4661 Hamm, Katharina (1873)
4084 Hamm, Katharina (1893)
1897 Hamm, Katharina (1898)
2565 Hamm, Katharina (nee Wiebe) (1896)
4768 Hamm, Margareta (1885)
0787 Hamm, Margareta (1892)
0786 Hamm, Margaretha (1892)
1204 Hamm, Margaretha P. (1905)
0251 Hamm, Maria (1901)
1256 Hamm, Maria Kornelius (1897)
4501 Hamm, Martin Jacob (1895)
3234 Hamm, Martin M. (1899)
1256 Hamm, Martin Martin (1898)
4095 Hamm, Minna (1876)
1169 Hamm, Nicolai Herman (1884)
3845 Hamm, Olga (1896)
4843 Hamm, Oskar H. (1907)
5501 Hamm, Peter (1912)
4768 Hamm, Peter Abr. (1882)
0250 Hamm, Peter Abr. (1885)
1207 Hamm, Peter Cornelius (1895)
0786 Hamm, Peter Michel (1892)
2814 Hamm, Peter Peter (1895)
1206 Hamm, Sarah Herman (1906)
4659 Hamm, Susanna (1900)
4095 Hamm, Wilhelm Heinrich (1906)
3532 Hamm, Wilhelm Wilhelm (1897)
Harder (097)
4329 Harder (nee Penner), Maria (1874)
1121 Harder, Abram Abram (1906)
1121 Harder, Abram Heinrich (1879)
5327 Harder, Abram Jacob (1893)
1398 Harder, Abram Peter (1878)
1137 Harder, Aganetha David (1887)
4819 Harder, Alexander Bernhard (1901)
4819 Harder, Alexandrine (1905)
1859 Harder, Amanda (1906)
0465, 0467 Harder, Anna (1884)
3873 Harder, Anna (1894)
1060 Harder, Anna (1895)
3643 Harder, Anna (1895)
0467 Harder, Anna (1905)
5465 Harder, Anna (1907)
1121 Harder, Anna Gerh. (1879)
4330 Harder, Anna Jac. (1914)
5465 Harder, Anna Jacob (1875)
2199 Harder, Anna Johann (1897)
1421 Harder, Annalie (1891)
3873 Harder, Bernhard Klaas (1890)
2468 Harder, Bernhard Nic. (1894)
5238 Harder, Cornelius (1908)
5133 Harder, Cornelius D. (1866)
5238 Harder, Cornelius Fr. (1908)
5189 Harder, Cornelius Johann (1885)
2938 Harder, David Martin (1892)
2938 Harder, Elisabeth (1894)
3126 Harder, Elisabeth (1907)
3126 Harder, Elisabeth Bernh. (1885)
1398 Harder, Elisabeth Jac. (1891)
2849 Harder, Elisabeth Jacob (1892)
2705 Harder, Elizabeth Peter (1907)
3589 Harder, Erna (1895)
4894 Harder, Erna (1901)
1654 Harder, Gerhard Abr. (1902)
4238 Harder, Gerhard Cornelius (1908)
1747 Harder, Gerhard Johann (1899)
0415 Harder, Gerhard Nik. (1883)
3153 Harder, Heinr. Peter (1890)
1121 Harder, Heinrich Abram (1905)
3082 Harder, Heinrich Heinrich (1882)
3589 Harder, Heinrich Isaak (1893)
5003 Harder, Heinrich Jacob (1903)
4582 Harder, Heinrich Johann (1871)
2028 Harder, Heinrich Johann (1880)
0757 Harder, Helena (1891)
3283 Harder, Helena (1903)
3341 Harder, Helena (1903)
3082 Harder, Helena (1906)
5133, 5138, 5139 Harder, Helena (1921)
5133, 5138 Harder, Helena Abr. (1892)
3153 Harder, Helenea (1891)
5152 Harder, Helmut Julius (1909)
3694 Harder, Isaak Gerhard (1906)
0850 Harder, Ivan Abr. (1897)
5303 Harder, Jacob Bernhard (1900)
1570 Harder, Jacob Jacob (1905)
4329 Harder, Jacob Jacob (1905)
4329 Harder, Jacob Johann (1872)
1421 Harder, Jacob Johann (1890)
4564 Harder, Jacob Kornelius (1893)
1570 Harder, Jacob Peter (1874)
2385 Harder, Jacob Peter (1894)
0329 Harder, Jacob Wilhelm (1905)
3443 Harder, Johann (1907)
4333 Harder, Johann (1908)
5048 Harder, Johann Abr. (1904)
5048 Harder, Johann Abram (1904)
3283 Harder, Johann D. (1870)
3341 Harder, Johann David (1870)
3443 Harder, Johann Dietrich (1874)
5376 Harder, Johann Franz (1897)
0053 Harder, Johann Jac. (1872)
3643 Harder, Johann Johann (1897)
1060 Harder, Johann Johann (1900)
3341 Harder, Johann Johann (1905)
1121 Harder, Johann Odin (1903)
1859 Harder, Johann P. (1870)
4894 Harder, Julius Bernhard (1882)
5303 Harder, Kaethe (nee Klassen) (1905)
3793 Harder, Katarina (1862)
0053 Harder, Katarina (1879)
4564 Harder, Katarina (1893)
0464 Harder, Katarina (1908)
0415 Harder, Katarina Julius (1881)
0329 Harder, Katarina Peter (1868)
0850 Harder, Katharina (1890)
4648 Harder, Katharina (1897)
4238 Harder, Katharina Jacob (1870)
1570 Harder, Katharina Peter (1884)
1905 Harder, Katherina (1874)
5189 Harder, Lina (1888)
5376 Harder, Marg. Jacob (1896)
4541 Harder, Margareta Gerhard (1899)
3443 Harder, Margaretha (1877)
4344 Harder, Margaretha (1895)
0153 Harder, Margaretha (1900)
5663 Harder, Margaretha (1904)
2028 Harder, Margaretha Heinrich (1887)
0785 Harder, Margaretha Isaak (1898)
3283 Harder, Maria (1871)
3341 Harder, Maria (1871)
5453 Harder, Maria (1879)
2468 Harder, Maria (1893)
1654 Harder, Maria (1899)
4594 Harder, Maria (1900)
0467 Harder, Maria (1907)
0829 Harder, Maria Franz (1891)
1960 Harder, Maria P. (1874)
1570 Harder, Mathilde Jacob (1903)
4894 Harder, Minna (1880)
5018 Harder, Nicolai Jac. (?)
3126 Harder, Peter (1904)
1121 Harder, Peter Abram (1908)
0467 Harder, Peter Heinrich (1879)
4416 Harder, Peter Jacob (1869)
0785 Harder, Peter Kornelius (1891)
3793 Harder, Peter Peter (1861)
3126 Harder, Peter Peter (1877)
1571 Harder, Peter Peter (1885)
1121 Harder, Sara Abram (1903)
1571 Harder, Sara Cornelius (1884)
2204 Harder, Sara Gerhard (1906)
4416 Harder, Susanna (1863)
3082 Harder, Susanna (1883)
4416 Harder, Susanna (1908)
5048 Harder, Susanna (nee Dyck) (1906)
5327 Harder, Susanna (nee Engbrecht) (1898)
4648 Harder, Wilhelm Jacob (1889)
Harms (098)
2507 Harms (nee Goossen), Katharina (1882)
4969 Harms, Abram Johann (1903)
1967 Harms, Aganetha (1891)
0146 Harms, Anganeta (1891)
3447 Harms, Anna (1858)
4483 Harms, Anna (1869)
0233 Harms, Anna (1885)
4600 Harms, Anna (1887)
2507 Harms, B. B. (1881)
0078 Harms, David Gerh. (1898)
0078 Harms, Elisabet (1896)
2805 Harms, Elisabeth (1885)
2930 Harms, Elisabeth (1887)
0146 Harms, Gerhard Gerhard (1889)
4600 Harms, Heinrich Johann (1890)
2930 Harms, Heinrich Peter (1898)
4483 Harms, Helena (1908)
0078 Harms, Isaak Gerh. (1900)
2515 Harms, Isaak Johann (1852)
2513 Harms, Jacob Isaak (1896)
2805 Harms, Jacob Jacob (1885)
2515 Harms, Johann (1883)
4483 Harms, Johann Abram (1871)
4472 Harms, Johann Heinrich (1897)
3447 Harms, Johann Isaac (1895)
0233 Harms, Johann Jacob (1886)
0479 Harms, Johann Johann Dyck (1906)
3709 Harms, Justina (1892)
2507 Harms, Kaethe (1908)
4483 Harms, Katharina (1897)
2513 Harms, Katharina Jacob (1893)
4472 Harms, Maria (1898)
4483 Harms, Maria (1899)
0147 Harms, Maria Gerh. (1912)
3709 Harms, Peter Abr. (1884)
5418 Harms, Peter Jac. (1867)
1967 Harms, Peter Jacob (1889)
5418 Harms, Sara (1871)
3445-3446 Harms, Sara Wilhelm (1898)
3446 Harms, Sara Wilhelm (1898)
2805 Harms, Susanna (1908) |
Heese (283)0459 Heese, Alexander Peter (1902)
3077 Heese, Anna Jakob (1908)
0819 Heese, Antonia (1898)
0691 Heese, Dietrich W. (1909)
0798 Heese, Franz Jacob (1901)
0165 Heese, Johann (1905)
2611 Heese, Katharina Johann (1878)
0791 Heese, Maria (1875)
5704 Heese, Maria (1899)
0798 Heese, Maria Gerhard (1901)0819 Heese, Nicolai Wilhelm (1900)
2611 Heese, Peter H. (1878)
0459 Heese, Sergius Peter (1904)
0791 Heese, Wanda (1905)
Heide/Heyde (099)
3937 Heide, Jacob Klass (1889)
3937 Heide, Katharina (1893)
4323 Heide, Peter Jacob (1895)
0563 Heyde, Jacob Daniel (1900)
Heidebrecht (100)
4006 Heidebrecht, Aganetha (1875)
2886 Heidebrecht, Anna (1896)
2981 Heidebrecht, Anna (1896)
1500, 1501 Heidebrecht, Anna Gerh. (nee Fast) (1892)
1439 Heidebrecht, Anna H. (1882)
5071 Heidebrecht, Cornelius (1867)
5329 Heidebrecht, David Abr. (1883)
1500 Heidebrecht, David P. (1893)
2981 Heidebrecht, Dietrich Dietrich (1905)
2982 Heidebrecht, Dietrich Peter (1871)
2848 Heidebrecht, Elisabeth (1873)
2984 Heidebrecht, Elisabeth (1901)
2981 Heidebrecht, Elisabeth (1907)
2886 Heidebrecht, Gerhard Abram (1885)
2981 Heidebrecht, Helena (1899)
2856 Heidebrecht, Johann (1908)
2899 Heidebrecht, Johann Abram (1891)
4276 Heidebrecht, Johann Peter (1888)
2899 Heidebrecht, Katharina (1896)
2982 Heidebrecht, Katharina Dietrich (1870)
2856 Heidebrecht, Kornelius Kornelius (1876)
2857, 2856 Heidebrecht, Kornelius Kornelius (1907)
2856 Heidebrecht, Margareta (1884)
5329 Heidebrecht, Margareta (nee Epp) (1891)
4276 Heidebrecht, Maria (1889)
4324 Heidebrecht, Maria (1896)
2981 Heidebrecht, Maria (1902)
1439 Heidebrecht, Peter (1908)
2984 Heidebrecht, Peter Dietrich (1894)
2848 Heidebrecht, Peter P. (1869)
5071 Heidebrecht, Sarah (1873)
Heier (101)
3635 Heier, Anna (1902)
3634 Heier, Anna (1904)
3635 Heier, Franz Fr. (1895)
5649 Heier, Franz Karl (1862)
3634 Heier, Katharina Fr. (1889)
3634 Heier, Susanna (1891)
Hein (102)
2294 Hein, Anna Dietr. (1895)
2291 Hein, Anna Dietrich (1897)
0828 Hein, Auguste (1907)
2291 Hein, Corn. (1884)
4470 Hein, Dietrich Dietrich (1904)
0828 Hein, Emil (1899)
5126 Hein, Heinrich (1881)
0828 Hein, Hulda (1900)
0592 Hein, Jacob Gerhard (1895)
2291 Hein, Justina Corn (1884)
5126 Hein, Maria (1882)
0828 Hein, Pauline (?)
0828 Hein, Samuel (1904)
0592 Hein, Selma (1896)
Heinrichs (103)
3073 Heinrich, Abram Isaac (1869)
5346 Heinrichs, Anna (1907)
4047 Heinrichs, Anna Jakob (1908)
3078 Heinrich, Antonia (1908)
5248 Heinrich, Christine (1885)
1687 Heinrich, Emilie Adrian (1899)
1687 Heinrich, Jacob Adrian (1892)
3078 Heinrich, Johann (1907)
5126 Heinrich, Maria (1882)
4900 Heinrichs, Abram (1902)
0441 Heinrichs, Abram Is. (1904)
2114 Heinrichs, Alexandra (1873)
5565 Heinrichs, Anna (1889)
5363 Heinrichs, Bertha August (1880)
2114 Heinrichs, Cornelius Is. (1869)
2503 Heinrichs, David (1907)
4675 Heinrichs, David Corn (1906)
2503 Heinrichs, David David (1880)
1809 Heinrichs, David Franz (1879)
5363 Heinrichs, Dietrich Dietr. (1866)
4466 Heinrichs, Elisabeth (1896)
4233 Heinrichs, Elisabeth Klaas (1888)
0441 Heinrichs, Erika (1908)
0441 Heinrichs, Ernst (1906)
4038 Heinrichs, Franz Cornelius (1884)
1809 Heinrichs, Franz David (1853)
2504 Heinrichs, Gerhard David (1878)
1722 Heinrichs, Gerhard Jacob (1899)
2504 Heinrichs, Gertruda (1876)
0036 Heinrichs, Heinrich Julius (1857)
0862 Heinrichs, Helena (1889)
1145, 1146 Heinrichs, Helena Heinrich (1879)
0036 Heinrichs, Helena Peter (1861)
0047 Heinrichs, Isaac Isaac (1867)
3886 Heinrichs, Jacob Jacob (1880)
0862 Heinrichs, Jacob Johann (1884)
5156 Heinrichs, Jacob Johann (1889)
5156 Heinrichs, Jacob John (1889)
4466 Heinrichs, Johann Fr. (1895)
2131 Heinrichs, Johann H. (1908)
2131 Heinrichs, Johann H (1908)
5077 Heinrichs, Julius Cornelius (1894)
2131 Heinrichs, Julius Heinrich (1906)
0046 Heinrichs, Katarina (1900)
0441 Heinrichs, Katarina (1908)
2503 Heinrichs, Katharina (1882)
1442 Heinrichs, Katharina (1903)
3886 Heinrichs, Kornelia (1879)
0411 Heinrichs, Kornelius Heinrich (1900)
1442 Heinrichs, Lena (1905)
4038 Heinrichs, Maria (1890)
0441 Heinrichs, Maria (1899)
4900 Heinrichs, Maria (1900)
2131 Heinrichs, Maria (1904)
1442 Heinrichs, Maria Johann (1879)
0046 Heinrichs, Peter Isaak (1892)
1199 Heinrichs, Peter Jacob (1889)
0471 Heinrichs, Peter Jacob (1903)
0441 Heinrichs, Susanna (1895)
Hiebert/Huebert (106)
4259 Hiebert, Abram A. (1890)
2987 Hiebert, Agata (1874)
2987 Hiebert, Agata (1904)
5357 Hiebert, Anna (1880)
2132 Hiebert, Elisabeth (1894)
3970 Hiebert, Gerhard Jakob (1904)
1352 Hiebert, Heinrich. Heinr. (1880)
2109 Hiebert, Helena (1887)
1598 Hiebert, Helena (1888)
1352 Hiebert, Helena Heinr. (1907)
4536 Hiebert, Johann Heinrich (1893)
4536 Hiebert, Katarina (1901)
1352 Hiebert, Katharina David (1884)
4259 Hiebert, Maria (1890)
3970 Hiebert, Maria (1905)
3199 Hiebert, Maria Joh. (1896)
4566 Hiebert, Nicolai Johann (1904)
3199 Hiebert, Peter Abr. (1892)
1598 Hiebert, Reinhard Reinhard (1888)
2710 Hiebert, Sara Abram (1888)
4190 Hiebert, Sara Nikolas (1881)
5680 Hubert, Elisabeth (1906)
1006 Huebert, Elisabeth (1901)
1925 Huebert, Abram (?)
5600 Huebert, Abram A. (1884)
5551 Huebert, Abram Abram (1902)
1728 Huebert, Abram Cornelius (1889)
1798 Huebert, Abram Johann (1889)
3712 Huebert, Aganetha Fr. (1904)
1438 Huebert, Aganetha Nic. (1892)
3940 Huebert, Anganetha (1887)
3089 Huebert, Anna (1865)
5322 Huebert, Anna (1884)
1798 Huebert, Anna (1890)
1800 Huebert, Anna (1894)
2903 Huebert, Anna (1897)
4658 Huebert, Anna (1904)
0339 Huebert, Anna (1907)
5600 Huebert, Anna (1908)
1286 Huebert, Anna Johann (1904)
2000 Huebert, Corn. Corn. (1866)
0044 Huebert, Cornel. Daniel (1885)
3089 Huebert, Cornelius (1897)
3089 Huebert, David (1899)
4752 Huebert, David Corn. (1899)
3940 Huebert, David Johann (1883)
1286 Huebert, David Johann (1907)
1015 Huebert, David Peter (1890)
5680 Huebert, Elisabeth (1862)
4124 Huebert, Elisabeth (1903)
1365 Huebert, Eva Heinr. (1893)
4124 Huebert, Franz Fr. (1875)
1730 Huebert, Franz Heinrich (1884)
4658 Huebert, Gerhard D. (1906)
3105 Huebert, Heinr. Heinr. (1902)
0339 Huebert, Heinrich (1898)
4124 Huebert, Heinrich (1905)
4658 Huebert, Heinrich David (1881)
1284 Huebert, Heinrich Johann (1890)
1700 Huebert, Heinrich Kornelius (1868)
0339 Huebert, Heinrich Kornelius (1871)
1059 Huebert, Heinrich Peter (1895)
0889 Huebert, Heinrich Peter (1896)
4124 Huebert, Helena (1874)
0327 Huebert, Helena Jacob (1903)
4658 Huebert, Helena Kornelius (1884)
1006 Huebert, Helena Peter (1866)
0339 Huebert, Hermann (1902)
4124 Huebert, Jacob (1904)
0330 Huebert, Jacob Abr. (1886)
2572 Huebert, Jacob Abr. (1899)
2142 Huebert, Jacob Johann (1881)
3133 Huebert, Jacob Peter (1897)
4124 Huebert, Johann (1907)
2870 Huebert, Johann David (1885)
1286 Huebert, Johann Heinrich (1866)
2245 Huebert, Johann Jacob (1901)
1365 Huebert, Johann Peter (1888)
1006 Huebert, Johann Peter (1899)
1800 Huebert, Julius Johann (1894)
0044 Huebert, Justina (1882)
1286 Huebert, Justina Johann (1899)
0339 Huebert, Katarina Jacob (1875)
2142 Huebert, Katharina (1880)
2870 Huebert, Katharina (1885)
1006 Huebert, Katharina (1903)
4124 Huebert, Katharina (1908)
1730 Huebert, Katharina David (1894)
1015 Huebert, Katharina Friedr. (1893)
0339 Huebert, Kornelius (1900)
3551 Huebert, Kornelius (1904)
1700 Huebert, Lena (1890)
0330 Huebert, Margaretha Heinrich (1888)
1055 Huebert, Maria (1892)
1059 Huebert, Maria (1894)
2245 Huebert, Maria (1901)
4124 Huebert, Maria (1901)
4752 Huebert, Maria (1902)
5551 Huebert, Maria (1902)
3550 Huebert, Maria (1904)
1286 Huebert, Maria Jacob (1868)
1006 Huebert, Nicolai Peter (1907)
Privacy of Living Persons: In order to protect the privacy of persons on the CMBoC records who may still be living, the MHSA has decided to remove the images of these records from the website. The persons listed here were all born 100 years ago or earlier (i.e. 1908 or earlier). Persons born later will be added on an annual basis.The name shown here is as given on the record, i.e. at the time of arrival in Canada. So, in the case of many females, this represents their married names. In some cases, for either gender, it may represent an adopted name. The parentheses after each name contains their birth year as shown on the record.
Improved Index: The CMBoC index pages now groups heads of households on the basis of the GRANDMA surname codes ( p4). By using these codes, all the variant spellings of each surname are given a single code value, such as 001 for Abrams, Abrahams and other variations of that surname. This makes it much easier to find a particular surname in large lists or in databases, searching by code number rather than by trying all the possible ways that the surname may be spelled.
Copies of Records: We invite inquiries and will respond to individual requests for research copies. If possible, cite both full name of household head and four-digit record number in your request. In order to acknowledge our time in filling such requests, we request $10 payment per record supplied in jpg format by e-mail attachment. If you visit the MHSA you can conduct the search yourself and there is no search fee.
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Hiebert/Huebert (106) cont’d
1284 Huebert, Ottilie August (1896)
1055 Huebert, Peter Peter (1887)
2572 Huebert, Sara (1901)
4658 Huebert, Sarah (1895)
1006 Huebert, Susanna (1905)
0889 Huebert, Susanna Gerhard (1894)
2774 Huebert, Susanna Johann (1906)
0339 Huebert, Wilhelm (1905)
2903 Huebert, Wilhelm P. (1894)
Hiebner/Huebner (107)
1301 Hiebner, Emilie M. (1896)
4611 Hiebner, Heinrich K. (1865)
4611 Hiebner, Liese (1901)
4611 Hiebner, Sara (1873)
4611 Hiebner, Sara (1896)
3017 Hubner, Jacob P. (1900)
4019 Huebner, Abram P. (1900)
3527 Huebner, Anna (1891)
2693 Huebner, Emilie (1896)
3043 Huebner, Gerhard (1908)
3043 Huebner, Gerhard Heinrich (1874)
3902 Huebner, Helena (1891)
1813 Huebner, Jacob Peter (1892)
1813 Huebner, Katerina Paul (1894)
3043 Huebner, Katharina (1876)
4019 Huebner, Katharina (1903)
3902 Huebner, Kornelius Peter (1887)
1093 Huebner, Peter Wilhelm (1888)
Hildebrand (108)
5562 Hildebrand, Abram H. (1905)
3866 Hildebrand, Agatha (1903)
2092 Hildebrand, Agatha Jacob (1882)
5540 Hildebrand, Agnes (1901)
3086 Hildebrand, Anna (1872)
0182 Hildebrand, Anna (1884)
2073 Hildebrand, Anna Gerhard (1893)
4099 Hildebrand, Augusta (1891)
1760 Hildebrand, Bernhard H. (1890)
3866 Hildebrand, Daniel (1908)
4832 Hildebrand, David Peter (1907)
5445 Hildebrand, Elisabeth (1886)
3866 Hildebrand, Gerhard (1905)
2904-2905 Hildebrand, Gerhard (1908)
5540 Hildebrand, Gerhard Abr. (1900)
2073 Hildebrand, Gerhard G. (1895)
2904, 2905 Hildebrand, Gerhard Heinrich (1873)
3866 Hildebrand, Heinrich (1907)
3866 Hildebrand, Heinrich Dan. (1877)
0577 Hildebrand, Helena (1887)
2119 Hildebrand, Helena A. (1893)
0507 Hildebrand, Helena David (1879)
0478 Hildebrand, Helena Johann (1873)
2073 Hildebrand, Ida (1899)
4817 Hildebrand, Ida Johann (1870)
3692 Hildebrand, Jac. Pet. (1910)
0577 Hildebrand, Jacob (1881)
1904 Hildebrand, Jacob (1903)
1890 Hildebrand, Jacob J. (1880)
3697 Hildebrand, Johann Joh (1893)
4099 Hildebrand, Karl Chr. (1879)
4514 Hildebrand, Katharina Gerhard (1884)
1890 Hildebrand, Katharina P. (1890)
1760 Hildebrand, Luise (1898)
2904, 2905, 2906 Hildebrand, Maria (1881)
3697 Hildebrand, Maria (1893)
4178 Hildebrand, Maria (1895)
5330 Hildebrand, Maria (1907)
4817 Hildebrand, Maria Cornelius (1904)
2074 Hildebrand, Maria G. (1868)
1766 Hildebrand, Maria Johann (1903)
1142 Hildebrand, Maria Peter (1895)
1766 Hildebrand, Nicolai H. (1898)
2119 Hildebrand, Nicolai Jacob (1891)
0182 Hildebrand, Peter Daniel (1884)
2074 Hildebrand, Peter Gerhard (1907)
4514 Hildebrand, Peter Johann (1906)
3086 Hildebrand, Peter Peter (1871)
2767 Hildebrand, Peter Peter (1905)
3866 Hildebrand, Sara (1879)
4817 Hildebrand, Sara Cornelius (1908)
0478 Hildebrand, Susanna Heinrich (1906)
3086 Hildebrand, Wilhelm (1906)
5535 Hildebrand, Wilhelm W. (1887)
0213 Hildebrandt, Abr. Heinrich (1883)
2983 Hildebrandt, Agnes Anna (1903)
4107 Hildebrandt, Anna (1895)
0389 Hildebrandt, Anna Fr. (1890)
1575 Hildebrandt, Anna Jacob (1892)
0722, 0723 Hildebrandt, Anna Korn. (1902)
1285 Hildebrandt, Chriestinie Friedrich (1904)
4107 Hildebrandt, Daniel Johann (1897)
1285 Hildebrandt, Daniel Johann (1903)
2983 Hildebrandt, Dietrich David (1905)
0835 Hildebrandt, Dietrich Heinrich (1894)
5367 Hildebrandt, Dietrich Julius (1878)
0043 Hildebrandt, Elisabet (1894)
4905 Hildebrandt, Elisabeth (1900)
5461 Hildebrandt, Eugenie (1892)
2220 Hildebrandt, Franz Franz (1889)
1575 Hildebrandt, Gerhard Heinrich (1886)
2186 Hildebrandt, Gerhard Jacob (1893)
0817 Hildebrandt, Gerhard Peter (1904)
2697 Hildebrandt, Gerhard Peter (1904)
4905 Hildebrandt, Heinrich (1908)
4549 Hildebrandt, Heinrich Heinrich (1900)
0817 Hildebrandt, Heinrich Peter (1897)
5666 Hildebrandt, Heinrich Peter (1897)
2220 Hildebrandt, Helena Julius (1897)
0817 Hildebrandt, Jacob Peter (1904)
4515 Hildebrandt, Johann (1908)
4515 Hildebrandt, Johann (1908)
0834 Hildebrandt, Johann Heinrich (1907)
5222 Hildebrandt, Katharina (1906)
0722, 0723 Hildebrandt, Katharina Korn. (1906)
0043 Hildebrandt, Korn. Hein. (1894)
0722-0724 Hildebrandt, Korn. Korn. (1904)
0722, 0723 Hildebrandt, Kornelius Kornelius (1875)
0722 Hildebrandt, Margar. Korn. (1908)
0722, 0723 Hildebrandt, Margareta (1876)
0722 Hildebrandt, Margaretha Kornelius (1908)
2186 Hildebrandt, Maria (1895)
4549 Hildebrandt, Maria (1902)
4905 Hildebrandt, Maria Heinrich (1898)
0213 Hildebrandt, Maria Jacob (1892)
0834 Hildebrandt, Maria Peter (1865)
5367 Hildebrandt, Matilde Jacob (1884)
1455 Hildebrandt, Peter P. (1900)
5222 Hildebrandt, Wilhelm (1904)
Hoemsen (111)
2687 Hoemsen, Jacob Heinrich (1879)
2687 Hoemsen, Maria (1895)
Hoeppner (112)
3917 Hepner, Anna (1900)
3917 Hepner, Dietrich Dietrich (1899)
4255 Heppner, Bernhard Cornelius (1902)
4255 Heppner, Katharina (1902)
2687 Hoemsen, Jacob Heinrich (1879)
2687 Hoemsen, Maria (1895)
3563 Hoeppner, Anna (1875)
3546 Hoeppner, Cornelius Dietrich (1896)
3546 Hoeppner, Maria (1898)
4783 Hoeppner, Marie Dietr. (1907)
Holzrichter (115)
1071 Holzrichter, Jacob Peter (1902)
Hooge (116)
0221 Hooge, Abram (1905)
4450 Hooge, Agatha (1905)
0500 Hooge, Elisabet (1899)
0608 Hooge, Elisabeth (1885)
0608 Hooge, Gerhard (1908)
4026 Hooge, Gerhard Gerhard (1903)
3606 Hooge, Gerhard Heinrich (1862)
0608 Hooge, Heinrich (1878)
0608 Hooge, Heinrich (1906)
3541 Hooge, Heinrich Gerh (1891)
4450 Hooge, Heinrich Peter (1900)
3606 Hooge, Helena (1865)
3541 Hooge, Helena (1889)
3606 Hooge, Helena (1897)
0500 Hooge, Jacob Peter (1889)
0221 Hooge, Katharina (1903)
4318 Hooge, Maria (1902)
4647 Hooge, Maria (1902)
0221 Hooge, Maria (1907)
3668 Hooge, Maria Johann (1873)
4318 Hooge, Peter (1904)
4318 Hooge, Peter Henrich (1873)
0221 Hooge, Peter Peter (1880)
Hoppe (117)
3336 Hoppe, Daniel Dan. (1894)
3336 Hoppe, Susanna (1892)
Other (908)
5305 Hack, Heinrich (1902)
3325 Hausknecht, Abr. David (1858)
3325 Hausknecht, David (1898)
3325 Hausknecht, Elisabeth (1868)
3325 Hausknecht, Eugen (1905)
3325 Hausknecht, Helena (nee Wieler) (1897)
5574 Hepting, Anna (1880)
5574 Hepting, Heinrich Christ. (1881)
5574 Hepting, Olga (1907)
4446 Hessler, Katharina Franz (1908)
3687 Hoewsen, Jacob Heinrich (1879)
3605 Holmberg, Ebba Leop (1883) |