
of Alberta

Canadian Mennonite Board of Colonization Records Index – A

   B   C   D   E   F   G   H    I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Z

Abrams (001)1597 Abrahams, Elisabeth (1897)
1597 Abrahams, Gerhard Kornelius (1868)
1597 Abrahams, Helena (1908)
1597 Abrahams, Susanna (1899)
2830 Abrams, Agathe Johann (1898)
0269 Abrams, Bernhard Heinrich (1876)
1373 Abrams, David Jac. (1894)
2830 Abrams, Heinrich Johann (1895)
3360 Abrams, Jacob Jacob (1890)
0269 Abrams, Katarina Bernhard (1907)
3359 Abrams, Katharina (1886)0268-0269 Abrams, Maria Bernhard (1906)
3360 Abrams, Sarah (1857)

Adrian (002)

1992 Adrian, Anna Heinrich (1889)
1644 Adrian, Joh. Dav. (1891)
3347 Adrian, Leonard Peter (1899)

Albrecht/Allert (004)

1621 Albrecht, Agnes (1895)
3729 Albrecht, Anna (1907)
3729 Albrecht, Anna (1907)
1211 Albrecht, David Peter (1893)
0135 Abrecht, Heinrich Franz (1880)
2861 Albrecht, Maria (1888)
1193 Albrecht, Maria Abram (1892)
3729 Albrecht, Nicolas Franz (1876)
1211 Albrecht, Olga Jacob (1899)
2861 Albrecht, Peter (1910)

2861 Albrecht, Peter Abram (1882)
0135 Abrecht, Sara (1891)
3729 Albrecht, Sara (1881)
5533 Allert, Aganetha (1896)
5533 Allert, Cornelius C. (1892)

Andres (006)0721 Andreas, Else (1897)
0721 Andreas, Peter (1883)
0560 Andres, Aganetha (1903)
2683 Andres, Anna (1900)
3294 Andres, Bernhard (1907)
2683 Andres, Cornelius Johann (1898)
4155 Andres, Elisabeth (1888)
3567 Andres, Elisabeth (1905)
3277 Andres, Franz Johann (1907)
5061 Andres, Heinrich Johann (1894)1136 Andres, Helena Cornelius (1883)
0560 Andres, Helena Jacob (1859)
0560 Andres, Ida (1900)
0560 Andres, Jacob (1886)
2681 Andres, Jacob Jacob (1889)
5159 Andres, Jacob Jacob (1906)
5288 Andres, Johann (1877)
4468 Andres, Johann Joh (1890)
3294 Andres, Johann Johann (1863)
2681 Andres, Justina (1891)

3329 Andres, Katharina (1895)
1136 Andres, Katharina Cornelius (1891)
3365 Andres, Liese (nee Fransen) (1906)
5288 Andres, Margareta (1891)
3294 Andres, Margaretha (1860)
2681 Andres, Maria (1857)
5061 Andres, Maria (1896)
4155 Andres, Peter Abram (1885)
5577 Andres, Wilhelm (1902)

Arndt (003)

4589 Arndt, Johann Martin (1894)
4589 Arndt, Sara (1894)

Other (901)

3539 Astachow, Katharina (1894)
3539 Astachow, Nikita Ignat (1893)
2161 August, Jacob Jacob (1891)


Privacy of Living Persons: In order to protect the privacy of persons on the CMBoC records who may still be living, the MHSA has decided to remove the images of these records from the website. The persons listed here were all born 100 years ago or earlier (i.e. 1908 or earlier). Persons born later will be added on an annual basis.The name shown here is as given on the record, i.e. at the time of arrival in Canada. So, in the case of many females, this represents their married names. In some cases, for either gender, it may represent an adopted name. The parentheses after each name contains their birth year as shown on the record.

Improved Index: The CMBoC index pages now groups heads of households on the basis of the GRANDMA surname codes (PDf p4). By using these codes,  all the variant spellings of each surname are given a single code value, such as 001 for Abrams, Abrahams and other variations of that surname.  This makes it much easier to find a particular surname in large lists or in databases, searching by code number rather than by trying all the possible ways that the surname may be spelled.

Copies of Records: We invite inquiries and will respond to individual requests for research copies. If possible, cite both full name of household head and four-digit record number in your request. In order to acknowledge our time in filling such requests, we request $10 payment per record supplied in jpg format by e-mail attachment. If you visit the MHSA you can conduct the search yourself and there is no search fee.

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Last updated 22 Jan 2010
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