
of Alberta



Browse Catalogue MHSA_LIB




20 results found.

  1. Yamasaki, April. (1991) Remember Lot\'s wife and other unnamed women of the Bible. Elgin, Ill.: FaithQuest. [BS / 575 / YAM]
  2. Yoder Nyce, Dorothy. (1980) Which Way Women?. Akron, Pa: Mennonite Central Committee. [BV / 639 / YOD]
  3. Yoder, Edward. (1944) eine foschung auf Grund der Heilige Schrift. Akron, PA: Verlag Mennonitischen Zentral Komitees. [BT / 736 / YOD]
  4. Yoder, Edward. (1944) Must Christians fight: a scriptural inquiry. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee. [BT / 736 / YOD]
  5. Yoder, Edward. (1945) Christian and conscription (The): an inquiry designed as a preface to action. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee. [BX / 8128 / YOD]
  6. Yoder, Edward. (1945) Mennonites and Their Heritage: Our Mennonite Heritage. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee. [BX / 8114.6 / YOD]
  7. Yoder, Edward. (1945) Mennonites and Their Heritage: Our Mennonite Heritage. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee. [BX / 8121 / YOD]
  8. Yoder, Elmer and Jewel Showalter. (1992) We Beheld His Glory: Rosedale Bible Institute The First Forty Years : 1952-1992. Irvin, OH: Rosedale Bible Institute. [LD / 4725 / YOD]
  9. Yoder, Gideon G.. (1959) Nurture and evangelism of children (The). Scottdale, Pa.: herald Press. [BX / 8112 / YOD]
  10. Yoder, John H.. (1977) Original revolution (The): essays on Christian pacifism. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. [BT / 736 / YOD]
  11. Yoder, John H.. (1972) Politics of Jesus (The): vicit agnus noster. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans Pub. Co.. [BS / 2415 / YOD]
  12. Yoder, John Howard. (1958) Ecumenical Movement and the Faithful Church (The). Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House. [BV / 601 / YOD]
  13. Yoder, John Howard. (1961) Christian and capital punishment (The). Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press. [BX / 8128 / YOD]
  14. Yoder, John Howard. (1964) Christian witness to the State (The). Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press. [BV / 629 / YOD]
  15. Yoder, Joseph W.. (1973) Rosanna of the Amish. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. [BX / 8143YOD / YOD]
  16. Yoder, Perry B.. (1987) Shalom: the Bible\'s word for salvation, justice and peace. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press. [BS / 670 / YOD]
  17. Yoder, Reuben. Hackman. [BX / 8980 / YOD]
  18. Yoder, Sanford Calvin. (1959) Days of my years (The). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. [BX / 8143YOD / YOD]
  19. Yoder, Wanda L.. (2010) Together we can: Our seven-month journey with the MCC mobile meat canner, 2008-2009. Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press. [BX / 8116 / YOD]
  20. Yost, Burton G.. (1963) Finding Faith and Fellowship. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press. [BX / 8129GC / YOS]