
of Alberta

Vital Records, Chortitza Colony, 1808

Extracted by Tim Janzen

This page makes available a collection of vital records of births, marriages, and deaths that occurred in the Chortitza Colony during 1808.  I have added a column that gives the record index number in the GRANDMA Mennonite genealogy database (GRANDMA number) for the head of the household for which the event pertains.  These records cover almost all of the births, marriages, and deaths which occurred in 1808 except that no events were recorded for December.  The original document was created on December 6, 1808 by Jacob Wiens, so it thus contains no events after that date and probably some events from early December 1808 and possibly also late November 1808 were omitted from the document.  The latest event recorded in the document is on November 29, 1808. The original documents were written in both German and in Russian. If you have any questions about any of this data feel free to contact me.

Tim Janzen
12367 SE Ridgecrest Rd.
Happy Valley, OR 97086
e-mail address

GRANDMA # of head of family Day of event Month of event Year Location People mentioned Male birth Female birth Age of male at time of death Age of female at time of death Marriage Comments
64072 1 January 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Cornelius Epp’s son Peter 1
1152544 4 January 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Isaac Friesen’s son Isaac 1
265485 26 January 1808 Chortitza the landowner Peter Rempel’s son Wilhelm 1
196132 20 February 1808 Chortitza the landowner Franz Dyck’s daughter Magdalena 1
127055 26 February 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Johan Wieler’s son Johann 1
278844 6 March 1808 Chortitza the landowner Jacob Wieb’s son Daniel 1
196366 1 April 1808 Chortitza the landowner Peter Ensz’ daughter Maria 1
7691 5 April 1808 Chortitza the renter Jacob Martens’ son Abraham 1
127055 25 April 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Johann Wieler’s son Johann 1/12
197293 25 April 1808 Chortitza the landowner Gerhard Willems’ two sons Johann and Gerhard 2
196813 5 May 1808 Chortitza Johann Wiebe’s son Johann 1
196085 7 May 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Jacob von Bergen’s son Jacob 1
196165 9 September 1808 Chortitza the landowner David von Bergen’s son David 1
196164 9 September 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner the landowner Jacob von Bergen’s daughter Maria 1 Other sources including the Bergthal Gemeinde Buch, p. A128, give this daughter’s first name as Katharina
196411 29 September 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Jacob Harder’s daughter Agatha 1
44790 1 October 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Peter Elias’ son Jacob 1
136330 2 October 1808 Chortitza the landowner Peter Siemens’ son Johann 1
146853 6 October 1808 Chortitza the landowner Abraham Kopp’s son Wilhelm 1
196225 9 November 1808 Chortitza the landowner David Dyrcksen’s son Peter 1
98180 10 November 1808 Chortitza the landowner Herrman Neufeld’s daughter Magaretha 1
58221 16 November 1808 Chortitza Peter Werner’s son Peter 1
528317 27 November 1808 Chortitza the non-landowner Jacob Isaac’s daughter Magdalena 1
197451 27 November 1808 Chortitza the landowner Gerhard Wiebe’s daughter Saara 8
173128 1 January 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Johann Krahn’s daughter Agatha 1
52929 14 January 1808 Rosenthal the widow of Johann Penner married Herrman Pauls 1
175494 9 February 1808 Rosenthal Abraham Dyck married Maria Pauls 1
198822 19 March 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Julius Toews’ daughter Anna 1
197137 18 April 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Jacob Harder’s daughter Margaretha 1
196748 23 April 1808 Rosenthal the non-landowner David Redekop’s daughter Aganetha 1
212771 23 July 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Jacob Isaac’s daughter Susana 1
173178 27 July 1808 Rosenthal Jacob Krahn married Magdalena Geger 1
266133 28 July 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Cornelius Andreas’ daughter Anna 1
173164 13 August 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Abraham Leycke’s two sons Cornelius and Franz 2
197449 17 August 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Heinrich Penner’s daughter Margaretha 1
197105 26 August 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Gerhard Martens’ son Peter 1
58890 6 September 1808 Rosenthal the non-landowner Gerhard Sawatzky’s son Gerhard 1
12613 7 September 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Gerhard Epp’s son Gerhard 1
149754 8 September 1808 Rosenthal the non-landowner Abraham Isaac’s two sons Jacob and Abraham 2
110538 17 September 1808 Rosenthal the non-landowner Abraham Giesebrecht’s son Gerhard 1
196208 18 September 1808 Rosenthal the landowner Gerhard Braun’s daughter Aganetha 1
45332 26 March 1808 Burwalde Abraham Harder’s widow’s daughter Anna 1 1/2
173606 2 April 1808 Burwalde the landowner Bernhard Krahn’s daughter Agatha 1
197925 7 April 1808 Burwalde Jacob Siemens married Anna Suckau 1
198172 6 May 1808 Burwalde the landowner Johann Tiessen’s son Jacob 1
107755 6 May 1808 Burwalde the landowner Johann Harms’s daughter Catherina 1
173606 10 May 1808 Burwalde the landowner Bernhard Krahn’s daughter Agatha 1/12
199330 5 June 1808 Burwalde the landowner Martin Friesen’s daughter Magdalena 1
198141 26 July 1808 Burwalde the landowner Peter von Niessen’s son Johann 1
17074 5 September 1808 Burwalde the landowner Abraham Friesen’s daughter Catherina 1
197485 9 November 1808 Burwalde the landowner Jacob Warckentin’s wife Magdalena 53
160370 3 January 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Jacob Bueckert’s daughter Magdalena 5 days
529558 20 January 1808 Nieder Chortitza the non-landowner Heinrich Bauer’s son Erdmann 1
149687 24 January 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Jacob Peters’ daughter Catherina 1
149667 17 February 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Johan Peters’ two daughters Aganetha and Catherina 2
198068 23 February 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Peter Jantzen’s daughter Elisabeth 1/4
196549 16 March 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Cornelius Dridger’s daughter Catherina 1
198125 2 April 1808 Nieder Chortitza the junior landowner Jacob Peters’ son Peter 1
149670 3 May 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Peter Peters’ daughter Aganetha 1
528070 6 June 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Johann Friesen’s daughter Catherina 1
198312 28 July 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Franz Bergman’s daughter Anna 1
198270 13 August 1808 Nieder Chortitza the non-landowner Cornelius Nickel’s daughter Elisabeth 1
198585 8 September 1808 Nieder Chortitza the junior landowner Johann Dyck’s daughter Maria 1
199016 13 September 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Cornelius Penner’s son Jacob 1
529309 2 November 1808 Nieder Chortitza the non-landowner Jacob Reimer’s daughter Elisabeth 1/2
198308 15 November 1808 Nieder Chortitza the senior landowner Franz Bergman’s daughter Maria 14
196122 22 November 1808 Nieder Chortitza Peter Mantler’s foster son Gerhard Schellenberg 14
199077 27 November 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Jacob Goetz’ foster daughter Anna 9
198117 28 November 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Cornelius Wilhelms 42
199016 29 November 1808 Nieder Chortitza the landowner Cornelius Penner’s wife Catherina 25
45124 4 February 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Cornelius Friesen’s son Cornelius 3/4
7697 17 February 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Peter Krahn’s wife Catherina 56 Other sources give her first name as Anna.
265618 18 February 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Peter Penner’s son Johann 3/4
220243 3 April 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Jacob Neufeld’s son Jacob 1
18358 20 May 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Daniel von Eytzen 51
18360 20 June 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Nathanael von Eytzen’s daughter Margaretha 1
15916 18 August 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Martin Wiens 78
229645 18 August 1808 Schoenwiese the landowner Franz Jantzen’s daughter Aganetha 1
113769 8 October 1808 Schoenwiese the widow of Martin Wiens married Jacob Klassen 1
199271 20 January 1808 Insel Chortitza the landowner Peter Unger’s son David 1
199243 18 June 1808 Insel Chortitza the landowner Heinrich Ensz’ daughter Margaretha 1
940666 20 July 1808 Insel Chortitza Abraham Dyck married Anna Carolius 1
198767 12 October 1808 Insel Chortitza the non-landowner Peter Penner’s son Peter 1
197017 14 February 1808 Einlage the landowner Abraham Huebert’s daughter Sara 1
197222 25 March 1808 Einlage the non-landowner Gerhard Martens’ daughter Catherina 1
197222 30 April 1808 Einlage the non-landowner Gerhard Martens’ daughter Catherina 1/12
198217 30 April 1808 Einlage the non-landowner Jacob Wiebe 68
198027 2 May 1808 Einlage the landowner Peter Huebert’s daughter Magdalena 1
274862 21 May 1808 Einlage the junior Johann Huebert’s son Johann 1
197104 20 June 1808 Einlage the landowner Cornelius Martens’ daughter Magdalena 1
198218 25 July 1808 Einlage the widow Catherina Wiebe 68
197005 8 August 1808 Einlage the landowner Philip Koehler’s “gross sohn” Heinrich 21 “Gross sohn” in this situation like means stepson. Philip Koehler had a stepson named Heinrich Neufeld.
198298 7 November 1808 Einlage the non-landowner Jacob Wiens’ daughter Maria 1
44796 17 November 1808 Einlage Abraham Ensz married Helena Neustaedter 1
197104 18 November 1808 Einlage the landowner Cornelius Martens’ daughter Magdalena 1/2
198213 24 November 1808 Einlage Jacob Wilhelms married Anna Penner 1
196929 19 February 1808 Kronsweide the landowner Heinrich Goertzen’s son George 1
187152 2 March 1808 Kronsweide the landowner Jacob von Riesen son Johann 1
199224 26 March 1808 Kronsweide the non-landowner Jacob Jantzen’s son Cornelius 1
199123 11 May 1808 Kronsweide the landowner Wilhelm Jantzen’s daughter Maria 1
199133 12 June 1808 Kronsweide the non-landowner Julius Jantzen’s son Heinrich 1
110652 17 June 1808 Kronsweide the landowner Franz Pauls’ daughter Maria 1
901785 21 July 1808 Kronsweide the landowner Wilhelm Unrau’s son Wilhelm 1
199195 16 November 1808 Kronsweide the landowner Heinrich Siemens’ daughter Magdalena 12
51519 27 February 1808 Neuenburg Paul Wiebe married the widow of Paul Vogt 1
61933 15 April 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Bernhard Krahn’s son Bernhard 1
61933 25 April 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Bernhard Krahn’s son Bernhard 10 days
197085 27 April 1808 Neuenburg the non-landowner Franz Loewen’s son Johann 1
17771 10 May 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Peter Doell’s daughter Maria 1
17771 14 May 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Peter Doell’s daughter Maria 4 days
187343 14 May 1808 Neuenburg the non-landowner Johann Peters’ son Johann 1
186863 16 May 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Jacob Dyrcksen’s daughter Magdalena 1
187343 20 July 1808 Neuenburg the non-landowner Johann Peters’ son Johann 1/4
196600 13 August 1808 Neuenburg the landowner George Krahn’s son Peter 1
198376 2 September 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Peter Reimer’s son Jacob 1
51519 20 November 1808 Neuenburg the landowner Paul Wiebe’s daughter Elisabeth 1
197937 8 January 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Abraham Dyck’s son Peter 1 3/4
196514 19 January 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Jacob de Veer’s son Jacob 1
1152618 28 January 1808 Neuendorf the non-landowner Peter Isaac 73
198573 4 February 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Heinrich von Bergen’s son Jacob 1
529824 5 February 1808 Neuendorf the widow of Abraham Jantzen 36
44075 19 February 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Isaac Klassen’s daughter Catherina 1
198448 20 February 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Abraham Epp’s daughter Anna 1
187141 4 March 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Peter von Bergen 38
228180 24 March 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Abraham von Bergen’s daughter Maria 1
266403 6 April 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Peter Dyck 59
190170 18 May 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Franz Klassen’s daughter Judith 1
173512 31 August 1808 Neuendorf the landowner Jacob Reimer’s daughter Magdalena 1
196101 31 August 1808 Neuendorf the non-landowner Peter Breyel’s wife Christina 31
187141 10 September 1808 Neuendorf Peter von Bergen’s widow’s son Peter 1
266284 10 October 1808 Neuendorf Johann Loewen and Margaretha Dyck 1
198458 20 October 1808 Neuendorf the widow of Peter Dyck married Isaac Friesen 1
198488? 28 October 1808 Neuendorf Jacob Loewen married Catherina Dyck 1
196091 28 October 1808 Neuendorf Franz Berg married Maria Barckman 1
528146 8 November 1808 Neuendorf the widow of Peter von Bergen married Johann Martens 1
187120 2 January 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Johan Loepke’s daughter Dorothea 1
530181 16 January 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Peter Wall’s son Cornelius 1
406335 2 February 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Peter Dyck’s son Isaac 1
227282 21 February 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Johan Wolf’s son Johann 1
198431 8 April 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Cornelius Huebert’s son Erdman 1
198221 24 April 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Peter Wiebe’s daughter Catherina 1
227619 29 May 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Dydrich Rempel’s son Dydrich 1
265327 6 June 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Wilhelm Zacharias’ son Dydrich 1
198431 23 June 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Cornelius Huebert’s son Erdman 1/4
196601 1 July 1808 Schoenhorst the junior landowner Gerhard Ensz’s son Gerhard 1
228193 6 July 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Wilhelm Friesen’s son Johann 1
197276 15 July 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Isaac Tiessen’s son Jacob 1
197276 24 July 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Isaac Tiessen’s son Jacob 9 days
138257 22 August 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Isebrand Peters’ son Isebrand 1
14771 17 September 1808 Schoenhorst the non-landowner Abraham Neufeld’s daughter Catherina 1
196646 8 November 1808 Schoenhorst the landowner Abraham Klassen’s son Franz 1
totals: 56 48 18 18 14
Written on 6 December 1808 by Jacob Wiens

© 2011 Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
Last Updated 1 Apr 2011

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