
of Alberta

Mennonite Genealogy Data Index

Here’s the ultimate place to visit to find where the good stuff is – where you can find Mennonite genealogy (family history) data.Use the picklist to the left to select the geography of interest. As soon as you left-click onto a locality, your page will refresh to those resources. You’ll find the exact same picklist on each page in the same location – so you can’t get lost!There are approximately 1,400 discrete listings of community-specific data for Mennonite genealogy

DNA testing of Mennonite lineages – this project is being managed independently by Glenn Penner, but we’re happy to provide attention to it.

Mennonite Historical AtlasAnd, if you really don’t know your geography – we highly recommend William Schroeder & Helmut T. Huebert’sMennonite Historical Atlas, 2nd ed. It and other Mennonite paper publications are available from Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta (MHSA). Some of his maps have been captured and placed online by the Mennonite Heritage Centre.

There is also an excellent online Gazetteer for Prussia by Stphen S. Barthel that shows villages in their province, district, parish & government office context. For a good online map to use in conjunction with the Gazeteer, see Ludwig Ravenstein’s Map of the German Empire found on the University of Wisconsin website.

GRANDMA 6 ($35 CDN) DVD data disks are now available to Canadians from MHSA . Americans may order directly from the California Mennonite Historical Society.

Need help with your research, a colleague to talk with about family history methods, etc? We suggest that you visit a local Mennonite Historical Society online and join them:

Some Mennonite history books have been placed online – in their entirety. Check out these:

A bit irrelevant, but here’s your chance to find out about

Mennonite – Family History – Genealogy – Data Sources

Last Updated 5 May 2010
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