
of Alberta

File #179

Compiled November 15, 2000 by Tim Janzen

File 179: 1806-1810: 90 pages in the original file, 149 frames on the microfilm


  • Lists of recent settlers in the Chortitza and Molotschna Colonies in 1806
  • Reports from 1806 to 1808 concerning various Mennonites including David Penner’s application, Cornelius Epp’s loan, watch maker Johann Krueger, and Philipp Koehler among others
Index by frame #:
2-6: List of 18 Mennonite men who with their families migrated to the Chortitza Colony or the Molotschna Colony in 1806 including Johann Cornies, David Penner, Cornelius Epp, Martin Hamm’s widow, Peter Kroeker, Heinrich Wiebe, Abraham Olfert, Johann Brandt, Jacob Dyck, Peter Elias, Giesbrecht Neudorf, Abraham Klassen, Peter Dyck, Bernhard Giesbrecht, Abraham Neufeld, Herman Olfert, Abraham Krueger, and Johann Krueger
7-13: Report in 1806 concerning 15 Mennonites who settled in the Chortitza Colony including which villages they settled in and additional personal details about their relatives. This includes some of the people in the list of 18 Mennonites found on frame #3.
14-15: Report in 1806 concerning Peter Hooge
16: Report in 1806 concerning recent immigrants Abraham Krueger, Johann Cornies, Cornelius Epp, Peter Kroeker, Klaas Enns, and Franz Isaac.
17-20: Reports in 1806 concerning immigration to the Chortitza Colony
21, 24: Report in 1806 concerning Isaac Goosen’s widow of the Molotschna Colony
22: Report in 1806 concerning Heinrich Wiebe, Johann Brandt, Jacob Dyck, and Bernhard Giesbrecht
23: Report in 1806 concerning Nicholas Wiebe and Peter Isaac
25-27: Report in 1806 concerning Johann Mierau, Peter Elias, Johann Cornies, Cornelius Epp, David Penner, and Abraham Olfert and where they settled
28: Report in 1806 concerning Abraham Regier and Jacob Warkentin
29-30: Report in 1806 concerning Johann Teichroeb, Johan Wiebe, Diedrich Rempel, Herman Neufeld, Wilhelm Martens, Peter Enns, and Franz Lambert and where they settled in the Molotschna and Chortitza Colonies
31: Report in 1806 concerning Peter Dyck
32: Report in 1806 concerning settlers in the Chortitza Colony
33-34: Report in 1806 concerning Jacob Isaac, Abraham Isaac, Johann Heidebrecht, Peter Warkentin, Johan Warkentin, Margaretha Kroeker, Elisabeth Loewen, Aganetha Kroeker, Margaretha Koop, and Magdalena Enns and where they settled in the colonies
35: Report in 1806 concerning settlers in the Chortitza Colony
36: Report in 1806 concerning Giesbrecht Neudorf, Abraham Olfert, David Driedger, Peter Kasper, and Franz Isaac and where they settled in the colonies
37-38: Report in 1806 concerning Wilhelm Loewen, Michael Peters, Abraham Kehler, Peter Ewert, Gerhard Martens, Abraham Neufeld, and Herman Olfert and where they settled in the colonies
39: Report in 1806 concerning settlers in the Chortitza Colony
40-53: Report in 1806 concerning settlers in the Chortitza Colony repeating much of the same information found in frames 26-39 but in Russian. This listing includes the head of each family as well as the numbers of men and women in each family.
54: Report by David Penner in 1806 concerning David Epp, Cornelius Epp, and Peter Siemens
55-58: Chortitza Colony reports in 1806
59-84: Reports in 1806 and 1807 concerning Cornelius Epp and a loan he made
85-112: Reports in 1808 concerning Johann Krueger of Rosenthal, Chortitza Colony and his brother Abraham Krueger of the Molotschna Colony
113-119: Report in 1807 concerning Jacob Dyck
120-122: Report in 1807 concerning Cornelius Epp
123-134: Report in 1807 concerning Peter Friesen and Peter Isaac
135-137: Report in 1807 concerning Jacob Wiens of Einlage, Chortitza Colony
138-140: Report in 1807 concerning Heinrich Wiens of Schoenhorst, Chortitza Colony
141-143: Report in 1807 concerning Diedrich Isaac
144-148: Report in 1807 concerning a loan by Johan Penner from Philip Koehler of Einlage, Chortitza Colony

© 2001 Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
Last Updated 4 May 2001

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