
of Alberta

Erna Goerzen fonds

Accession 2009.019, 2014.014, 2015.003

Title and Physical Description

Erna Goerzen fonds. — 1980s-2013. —10 cm of textual and photographic material.

Biographical History

Erna Goerzen was born in 1928 in Munson, Alberta as the fourth child to Herman and Katharina (nee Neufeld) Warkentin who had six children. She married Henry D. Goerzen in 1952 and together they had six children: Martin, Irene, Eric, Juanita, Erna, and Albert. They maintained a grain farm in Didsbury along with the help of their son. Erna has made significant and leadership contributions to a variety of organizations – including the Bergthal Mennonite Church and Alberta Women in Mission organizations and the Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta.

Scope & Content

The fonds consists of short writings based on interviews that Erna conducted, arranged by date, and photographs or copies of photographs of the Gerhard and Elizabeth (Sommer) Warketin family.  Many of the photographs were included in Erna Goerzen’s book Frintschaft, published privately in 2003.
Erna Goerzen was also active for many years in the Bergthal Mennonite Church Women in Mission organization.  The fonds includes handbooks, minutes correspondence and other supportive material.

Source of Acquisition

Gift by Erna Goerzen


Accession 2009.019, 2014.014
Last updated 9 Sep 2010 – Judith Rempel

File list

Writings and Interviews by Erna Goerzen,  Accession 2009.019

1-1 – Short Writings by Erna Goerzen – 1980s-1999
.01 “Joy in the Lord is your Strength”/”Die Freude am Herrn ist eure Staerke”: Nehemia 8:10 – [1980s]
.02 Translation of Sarah Lehn’s Christmas letters from Buffalo Head Prairie, 1955-1977 – [1980s]
.03 Impressions from Old Colony Life – from a conversation with Sara Harder – [1980s]
.04 Anne Falk and her work at the Edmonton Newcomer Centre – 1987
.05 Katharina Wall – a Pioneer in Northern Alberta – [1988]
.06 Hans Krueger – [1988]
.07 Interview with Mrs. Erica Quiring and her daughter Ruth – 1989
.08 Interview with Erna (Mantler) Dyck – 1989
.09 Lydia Neufeld Moor – 1999

Photographs or copies of the Gerhard and Elizabeth (Sommer) Warketin family Accession 2014-014

1. Oversized.  Copy of students and teachers of Friedensruh village school where Aaron A. Toews was a teacher.  Aaron A. Toews was the son of landowner Aaron A. Toews of Alexanderkrone,  He taught in Kleefeld, 1903-1906, Friedensruh, 1907-1908 and Rueckenau, 1908-1918.  Stored in MHSA Images, Oversize Box 1.
2. Funeral photo of Katharina (Neufeld) Toews, Ufa, c. 1910.
3. Photo of Herman Warkentin with a car on the Schoeneld Chutor of Gerhard and Elizabeth (Sommers) Warkentin.
4. Three photos or copies of members of the Gerhard & Helena (Janzen) Warkentin family, n.d.
5. Three photos or copies of the Peter and Melvina (Albrecht) Warkentin family, n.d.
6. Seven photos or copies of the Gerhard and Elizabeth (Sommer) Warkentin family and their Chutor near Schoenfeld, 1911 and n.d.
7. Sixteen photos or copies of the Herman and Katharina (Neufeld) Warkentin family, 1915-2010
8. Wedding photo of Isaak and Elizabeth (Warkentin) Giesbrecht, 1943.
9. Three copies of photos of Albert and Debbie (Wiebe) Goerzen family, 1989-2004.
10. Five photos or copies of Eric and Rose (Derksen) Goerzen family, 1994-2011.
11. Four photos of Erna Goerzen, c. 1974-1979.
12. Seven photos or copies of the children of Henry and Erna (Warkentin) Goerzen, c. 1963-1979.

Erna Goerzen, Bergthal, Alberta and General Conference Mennonite Women in Mission files. Accession  2015.003.

1-1 Bergthal Women in Mission yearly handbooks.
1-2 Alberta Women in Mission annual conference reports, 1994-2010.
1-3 Women in Mission of the General Conference Mennonite Church constitution, 1975, 1995.
1-4 Women in Mission Executive Council minutes and correspondence, 1994-1997.
1-5 Women in Mission Publications Committee, minutes and correspondence, 1995-1997.
1-6 Bergthal Women in Mission minutes, 1911-1913.
1-7 Writing worship, Tofield [c. 1990s]
1-8 Timbrel, the magazine of Mennonite Women, 2005-2007.
1-9  Photos of Bergthal Women in Mission activities. – [ca. 1975]-2006. – 31 photoprints.