- Original Census
- 1st Revision List
- 2nd Revision List
- 3rd Revision List
- 4th Revision List
- 5th Revision List, 1795 – State Archives, Dneprepetovsk (SADR)
- contains information about the first nine Mennonite settlements in Chortitza
- contains dates of arrival of individual Mennonites and their former residences
- published in BH Unruh’s (1955) book on emigration of Mennonites from Prussia to Russia
- 6th Revision List, 1811 – copy not located
- 7th Revision List, 1815/16 – State Archives, Zaporozhye (SAZR)
- contains information about Schoenwiese [and information about this village in the previous (1911) census]
- only an alphabetic index remains for the other Chortitza settlements
- No Moloschansk census materials remain
- 8th Revision List, 1835 – State Archives, Odessa (SAOR)
- records remain, fortunately cross-referencing data from 1815/16 census
- Tedeyev makes no mention of non-Molotschna records
- 1835 census has been filmed and several translations (two into English and one into German) exist
- 9th Revision List, 1850
- only the records for Schoenwiese of all Mennonite settlements are known to remain
- at least two sources suggest that the other census/revision list materials for Mennonite settlements were transported to the Archives in Frankfurt on Oder in 1943 – but the have not yet been uncovered in recent decades
- 10th Revision List, 1858 – State Archives, Odessa (SAOR)
- German occupation of Russia in WWII led to efforts to move the records to Germany, but most were not
- Mennonite settlement census records generally could not be found after WWII
- However, ones for Bergthal, Mariupol; and Heuboden & Friedrichstahl are in SAZR or SADoR (State Archives of Donetsk)
© 2003-05 Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
Last Updated 25 Aug 2005
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