
of Alberta

Library Holdings – R

Titles found: 233

  • Rahn, Peter. (1975). Mennoniten in der Umgebung von Omsk. Winnipeg, MB: Author. [BX / 8119RUS / RAH]
  • Rahn, Peter J.. (2011). Among the ashes: in the Stalinkova Kolkhoz (Kontiniusfeld), 1930-1935. Kitchener: Pandora Press. [BX / 8119RUS / RAH]
  • Ramirez, Bruno. (1989). Italians in Canada (The). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Historical Association. [FC / 106 / RAM]
  • Ramseyer, Robert Pannabecker & Alice Pannabecker Ramseyer. (1988). Mennonites in China. Winnipeg, MB: China Educational Exchange. [BX / 8119CHN / RAM]
  • Rand McNally. (ND). Alberta (insets for Calgary and Edmonton). : . [G / 3400AB / RAN]
  • Rappaport, Helen. (2009). Last Days of the Romanovs (the): Tragedy at Ekaterinburg. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press. [DK / 258 / RAP]
  • Ratzlaff, Abraham. (1983). Memoirs of Reverend Abraham Ratzlaff. North Newton, KS: Bethel College. [BX / 8143RAT / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Abraham (tr. Martha Epp). (1983). Memoirs of Reverend Abraham Ratzlaff. North Newton, KS: Bethel College. [BX / 8143RAT / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, David. (1979). Wymyschle: Eine Abhandlung ueber die MB-Gemeinde Wymyschle and das Wymyschler-Treffen am 16. Juli 1977 in Three. Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press. [BX / 8119WYM / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, David. (1979). Wymyschle: Eine Abhandlung ueber die MB-Gemeinde Wymyschle and das Wymyschler-Treffen am 16. Juli 1977 in Three. Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press. [BX / 8119WYM / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, David. (1979). Wymyschle: Eine Abhandlung ueber die MB-Gemeinde Wymyschle and das Wymyschler-Treffen am 16. Juli 1977 in Three. Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press. [BX / 8119WYM / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, David. (1999). Predigten – Sammlung und Glaubensbekenntnis. ns: Author. [BV / 4241 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich. (1971). Weichselbogen (Im): Mennonitensiedlungen in Zentralpolen. Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press. [BX / 8119POL / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich. (1982). Leben fuer den Herrn (Ein): Biographie und Predigten von David Borisovich Wiens. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Brethren Confernece of Canada. [BX / 8143WIE / WIE]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1971). Weichselbogen (Im): Mennoniten Siedlungen in Zentralpolen. Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press. [BX / 8119POL / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1971). Weichselbogen (Im): Mennoniten Siedlungen in Zentralpolen. Winnipeg, MB: Christian Press. [BX / 8119POL / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1977). Auf Tabors Hoehen: Wymyschler-Treffen 1977. Winnipeg, MB: Author. [LC / 625 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1977). Auf Tabors Hoehen: Wymyschler-Treffen 1977. Winnipeg, MB: Author. [LC / 625 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1982). Keine Bleibende Stadt: Zweiten Wymyshler-Treffen in Three Hills, Alberta. Alberta: Author. [BX / 8119WYM / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1982). Keine Bleibende Stadt: Zweiten Wymyshler-Treffen in Three Hills, Alberta. Alberta: Author. [BX / 8119WYM / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L.. (1983). Von Don an Den Fraser: Forschung und Erinnerung – Eine persoenliche Familiengeschichte. Abbotsford, BC: Author. [CS / 38RAT / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Erich L., 1911-1988. (1982). D.B. Wiens: Ein Leben fur den Herrn. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Brethren Conference. [CT / 310 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Gerhard. (1988). Deutsches Jahrbuch fuer Paraguay 1990: Geschichte, Kultur, Unterhaltung. Asuncion: Author?. [F / 2668 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Gerhard. (2001). Leib (Ein) – viele Glieder: Die mennonitischen Gemeinden in Paraguay. Asuncion, PAR: Gemeindekomitee. [BX / 8119PAR / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Heinrich. (2003). Schulwesen der Kolonie Menno (Das): Vom Anfang der Siedlung bix zur Uebergabe der Vereinsschule an die Kolonie. PAR: Menno Colony. [aa / 0 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Kenneth L.. (1998). Family’s Mennonite History (A): The Story of our Claassen, Epp, Harms, Koop, Neufweld, Plenert, Ratzlaff, Unruh & Warkentin Ancestry. n/a: unpublished. [CS / 38RAT / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Mrs. Harold (Ruth R.). (1950). Fellowship in the Gospel: India: 1900-1950. Elgin, IL: Brethren Publishing House. [BV / 3265 / RAT]
  • Ratzlaff, Reuben. (1984). My pilgrimage. : Sild Country Enterprises. [BX / 8143RAT / RAT]
  • Raum, H.. ([1991]). wer hat den zweiten weltkrie wirklich entfesselt: Mein Schriftwechsel mit Bundesprasidenten, Gerichten und Medien von 1974 bis 1991. Munich, GER: Author. [D / 731 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbach, Walter. (1897). Evangeliumslieder. Chicago, IL: Bigelow & Main Co.. [M / 2131 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns 1 and 2: Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns 1 and 2: Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns 1 and 2: Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns 1 and 2: Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns 1 and 2: Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rauschenbusch, Walter. (1897). Evangeliums-Lieder Hymns 1 and 2: Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: Biglow and Main Co.. [M / 2132 / RAU]
  • Rawlyk, George A & Noll, Mark. (1994). Amazing Grace: Evanglicalism in Australia, Britian , Canada & US. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queens University Press. [BR / 1640 / RAW]
  • Redekop, Calvin Wall. (1967). Church Functions with Purpose (The): An Essay on Church Organization. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. [BV / 603 / RED]
  • Redekop, Calvin Wall & Samuel J. Steiner. (1988). Mennonite Identity: Historical and Contemporary Perspecitves. New York, NY: University Press of America. [BX / 8105 / RED]
  • Redekop, Calvin Wall and Samuel J. Steiner eds.. (1988). Mennonite Identity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Waterloo, ON: University Press of America. [BX / 8105 / RED]
  • Redekop, David E.. (1983). Honor Roll. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Conference of MB Churches. [BX / 8129MB / RED]
  • Redekop, John H.. (1984). Two Sides: The Best of Personal Opinion, 1953-1984. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Conference of the M B Church. [BX / 8127 / REDE]
  • Redekop, John H.. (1984). Two Sides: The Best of Personal Opinion, 1953-1984. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Conference of the M B Church. [BX / 8127 / REDE]
  • Redekop, John H.. (1984). Two Sides: The Best of Personal Opinion 1964-1984. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Press. [BV / 4495 / RED]
  • Redekop, John H.. (1987). People Apart (A): Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Press. [HM / 401 / RED]
  • Redekop, John H.. (1987). People Apart (A): Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Press. [HM / 401 / RED]
  • Redekop, John H.. (1987). People Apart (A): Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Press. [HM / 401 / RED]
  • Redekop, John H. & Elmer A. Martens. (1987). On Capital Punishment. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Press. [BX / 8127 / RED]
  • Redekopp, Jakob D.. (1987). Chortitzer Lehrerseminar. Paraguay: J. Redekopp?. [LF / 4435CHO / RED]
  • Reece, Colleen L.. (1991). Shattered Wall (The). Winnipeg, MB: Windflower Communications. [PS / 3568 / REE]
  • Reed, Kenneth. (1974). Mennonite soldier. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press. [PS / 3568 / REE]
  • Regehr, Ernie. (1975). Making a Killing: Canada’s Arms Industry. Toronto, ON: NcClelland & Stewart. [HD / 9743 / REG]
  • Regehr, Ernie. (1976). What is Militarism. Akron, PA: MCC Peace Section. [U / 21 / REG]
  • Regehr, Ernie. (1977). What is Militarism?. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee. [U / 21 / REG]
  • Regehr, J.H. (tr). (2007). He Leads: History of the Coaldale Mennonite Cheese Factory, 1928-1958. Raymond, AB: J.J. (Jack) Regehr. [BX / 8103COA / REG]
  • Regehr, J.M. (Jack). (2008). Billows and Waves: During the Stormy, Stressful Period in the Mennonite Brethren Church at Coaldale, 1956-1957. Coaldale, AB: Author. [BX / 8132COA / REG]
  • Regehr, Karl. (1976). Karl Regehr’s Genealogy on his mother’s side (Elizabeth Goosen). n/s: unpublished. [CS / 38GOO / REG]
  • Regehr, P.H.. ([1958]). Er Fuehret: Geschichte der Coaldale Mennonitischen Kaesarei, 1928-1958. Yarrow, BC: Columbia Press. [BX / 8103COA / REG]
  • Regehr, Rudy. (1987). CMC Yearbook: Many Peoples Becoming God’s People. Winnipeg, MB: Conference of Mennonites in Canada. [BX / 8103CMC / 1987]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (1998). For Everything a Season: A History of the Alexanderkrone Zentralschule. Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [LF / 4435 / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2000). Mennonites in Canada: 1939-1970: A People Transformed. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. [BX / 8121 / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2000). Mennonites in Canada: 1939-1970: A People Transformed. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. [BX / 8121 / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2000). Mennonites in Canada: 1939-1970: A People Transformed. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. [BX / 8121 / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2000). Mennonites in Canada: 1939-1970: A People Transformed. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. [BX / 8121 / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2000). Peace, Order and Good Government: Mennonites and Politics in Canada. Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [BX / 8118CAN / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2003). Faith, Life and Witness in the Northwest, 1903-2003: Centennial History of the Northwest Mennonite Conference. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press. [BX / 8118AB / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2003). Faith, Life and Witness in the Northwest, 1903-2003: Centennial History of the Northwest Mennonite Conference. Kitchener, ON: Pandora Press. [BX / 8118AB / REG]
  • Regehr, T.D.. (2009). Generation of Vigilance (A): The Lives and Work of Johannes and Tina Harder. Winnipeg, MB: CMU Press. [BX / 8143HAR / REG]
  • Reger, Adina & Delbert Plett, Q.C.. (2001). Diese Steine: Die Russlandmennoniten. Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications. [BX / 8115 / REG]
  • Reger, Adina & Delbert Plett, Q.C.. (2001). Diese Steine: Die Russlandmennoniten. Steinbach, MB: Crossway Publications. [BX / 8115 / REG]
  • Reimer, Al. (1977). Russian dance of death (A): Revolution and civil war in the Ukraine. Winnipeg, MB: Hyperion Press. [BX / 8143NEU / REI]
  • Reimer, Al. (1983). Sackful of Plautdietsch: a collection of Mennonite Low German stories & poems. Winnipeg, MB: Hyperion Press. [PT / 4870 / REI]
  • Reimer, Al. (1983). Sackful of Plautdietsch: a collection of Mennonite Low German stories & poems. Winnipeg, MB: Hyperion Press. [PT / 4870 / REI]
  • Reimer, Al. (1983). Sackful of Plautdietsch: a collection of Mennonite Low German stories & poems. Winnipeg, MB: Hyperion Press. [PT / 4870 / REI]
  • Reimer, Al. (1985). My harp is turned to mourning: a novel. Winnipeg: Hyperion Press. [PS / 8001 / REI]
  • Reimer, David P. (1946). Erfahrungen der Mennoniten in Canada: Waerend des zweitn Weldkrieges. Steinbach, MB: P Derksen. [UB / 342 / REI]
  • Reimer, David P.. (2002). Experiences of the Mennonites of Canada Durign the Second World War, 1939-1945: Reprint. Altona, MB: D.W. Friesen. [UB / 342 / REI]
  • Reimer, David P., Compiler. (1951). Experiences of the Mennonites of Canada during the Second World War. Altona, MB: DW Friesens. [UB / 342 / REI]
  • Reimer, Isaak. (2009). Old colony (The): the village of Einlage in south Russia, 1789-1945. Saskatoon: s.n.. [BX / 8118RUS / REI]
  • Reimer, Margaret. (1983). One Quilt Many Pieces: A concise reference guide to Mennonite groups in Canada. Waterloo, ON: Mennonite Publishing Service. [BX / 8118.5 / REI]
  • Reimer, Margaret. (1984). One Quilt Many Pieces: A concise reference guide to Mennonite groups in Canada. Waterloo, ON: Mennonite Publishing Service. [BX / 8118.5 / REI]
  • Reimer, Margaret. (1988). Christian Courageous. Waterloo, ON: Mennonite Publishing House. [BR / 1704 / REI]
  • Reimer, Margaret Loewen. (1990). One Quilt, Many Pieces: A Reference Guide to Mennonite Groups in Canada. Waterloo, ON: Mennonite Publishing Services. [BX / 8118.5 / REI]
  • Reimer, Margaret Loewen. (1990). One quilt, many pieces: a reference guide to Mennonite groups in Canada. Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Pub. Service. [BX / 8118.5 / REI]
  • Reimer, Mavis. (1983). Cornelius W. Wiebe, a Beloved Physician: The Story of a Country Doctor. Winnipeg, MB: Hyperion Press. [BX / 8143WIE / REI]
  • Reinecker, Fritz. (1955). Evangelium des Markus (Das). Wuppertal: Brockhaus. [BS / 2585 / RIE]
  • Reist. Clearwater Mennonite Congregation: Youngstown. : . [BX / 8150 / REI]
  • Reist, Betty & Hunsperger, Joan. (1994). History of the Didsbury Evangelical Missionary Church: 1894-1994. Didsbury, AB: Evangelical issionary Church Centennial Committee. [BX / 8132DID / REI]
  • Rempel. Kathechismum: Wehrlosigkeit. : . [BX / 8124 / REM]
  • Rempel, Ben (Coordinator). (1982). Winkler: A Proud Heritage. Winkler, MB: Winkler Home Coming Committee. [F / 1065WIN / WIN]
  • Rempel, David D.. (1973). Errinerungen. Saskatoon, SK: Author. [CT / 310 / REM]
  • Rempel, David G.. Life in the Parental Home. : Unpublished manuscript. [BX / 8000 / REM]
  • Rempel, David G.. (1973). Mennonite Commonwealth in Russia (The): A Sketch of its Founding and Endurance, 1789-1919. : Mennonite Quarterly Review Reprint. [BX / 8121 / REM]
  • Rempel, G.E.. (2000). Rempel family book: a family history and genealogy of Wilhelm and Agatha (Sawatzky) Rempel and their descendants. Winkler, MB: G. Rempel. [CS / 38REM / REM]
  • Rempel, Hans. (1980). Waffen dre Wehrlosen: Ersatzdienst der Mennoniten in der UdSSR. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Mennonite Bible College. [BX / 8128 / REM]
  • Rempel, Henry Peter, 1907-1977. (1977). Passages out of my life. Toronto: Edwin Mellen Press. [BX / 8143REM / REM]
  • Rempel, Herman. (1984). Kjenn jie noch Plautdietsch?: A Mennonite Low German Dictionary. Winnipeg, MB: Mennonite Literary Society. [PF / 5625 / REM]
  • Rempel, Herman. (1995). Kjenn jie noch Plautdietsch?: A Mennonite Low German dictionary. Rosenort, MB: Prairie View Press. [PF / 5625 / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1945). Spruchheft 1944 1945. Rosthern, SK: Allgemeine Konferenz der Mennoniten. [BS / 617.7 / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1950). Rosenorter Gemeinde in Saskatchewan (Die): In Wort und Bild. Rosthern, SK: D.H. Epp. [BX / 8132ROS / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1952). Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. Steinbach, MB: Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada. [BX / 8129CMC / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1952). Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. Steinbach, MB: Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada. [BX / 8129CMC / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1952). Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. Steinbach, MB: Author. [BX / 8129CMC / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1954). Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. Steinbach, MB: Author. [BX / 8129CMC / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1954). Fuenfzig Jahre Konferenzbestrebungen 1902-1952. Steinbach, MB: Author. [BX / 8129CMC / REM]
  • Rempel, J.G.. (1996). My village home Nieder Chortitza: Mein Heimatdorf Nieder Chortitza /. ns: Author. [DK / 508 / REM]
  • Rempel, Johann G.. Katechismus ind er Wehrlosigkeit. Rosthern, SK: D.H. Epp. [BX / 8124 / REM]
  • Rempel, John and William Harms. (1990). Atlas of Original Mennonite Villages and some burial plots of the Mennonite West Reserve, Manitoba. Altona, MB: Author. [G / 1158 / REM]
  • Rempel, John G.. Markus Notzen: Fuer Lehrer und Schueler in Bibel und Fortbildung schulen. Rosthern, SK: D.H. Epp. [BX / 500 / REM]
  • Rempel, Judii. (2001). Judii Rempel’s Guide to Genealogy on the Internent. : Unpublished. [CS / 23 / REM]
  • Rempel, Judith. (1951). Swift Current Sommerfelder Mennonite Church Baptisms Transcription. : . [AI / 1 / REM]
  • Rempel, Judith (ed.). (2000). Knowing and Interpreting our Past: Alberta’s Mennonite History. Calgary, AB: Mennonite Historical Society. [BX / 8118AB / MEN]
  • Rempel, Judith (ed.). (2000). Knowing and Interpreting our Past: Alberta’s Mennonite History. Calgary, AB: Mennonite Historical Society. [BX / 8118AB / MEN]
  • Rempel, Katherine (Tina). (1998). Rempel genealogy, history, 1787-1998: Klippenstein, Enns, Ewert, Sawatzky, Heppner. Lowe Farm, MB: Tina Rempel. [CS / 38REM / REM]
  • Rempel, Martha. ([ND]). History of B.C. Mennonite Women in Mission, 1939-1976. Altona, MB: B.C. Mennonite Women in Mission. [BX / 8103 / REM]
  • Rempel, Martha. ([ND]). History of B.C. Mennonite Women in Mission, 1939-1976. Altona, MB: B.C. Mennonite Women in Mission. [BX / 8103 / REM]
  • Rempel, Olga. (1977). Wer nimmt uns auf?: A Story of Mennonite Migrations. Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [PS / 8585 / REM]
  • Rempel, Olga. (1979). Vielen (Einer von): Die Lebensgeschichte von Prediger Aaron P. Toews. Winnipeg, MB: Canadian Mennonite Brethren College. [BX / 8143TOE / REM]
  • Rempel, Peter A.. (1934). Bilder aus der Kirchen und Mennoniten-geschichte. Rosthern, SK: Author. [BX / 8115 / REM]
  • Rempel, Peter H.. (1991). Bote Index (Der): 1948-1963 (a). Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [BX / 8101BOT / REM]
  • Rempel, Peter H.. (1991). Bote Index (Der): 1948-1963 (b). Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [BX / 8101BOT / REM]
  • Rempel, Peter H.. (1991). Bote Index (Der): 1948-1963 (Beilage). Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [BX / 8101BOT / REM]
  • Rempel, Peter H.. (1991). Bote Index (Der): 1924-1947. Winnipeg, MB: CMBC Publications. [BX / 8101BOT / REM]
  • Rempel, Peter, Alfred H. Redekopp & Richard D. Thiessen. (2000). Mennonite Migration to Russia, 1788-1828. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society. [BX / 8119RUS / REM]
  • Rensberger, David K.. (1988). Johannine Faith and Liberating Community. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press. [BS / 2615 / REN]
  • Retzlaff, Bernhard. (1965). Studies in the book of Acts. Winnipeg, MB: Conference of Mennonites in Canada. [BS / 2626 / RET]
  • Rice, John R., 1895-1980. (1943). Prayer: Asking and Receiving. Wheaton, IL: Sword of the Lord Publishers. [BV / 210 / RIC]
  • Rich, Elaine. (1987). Spiritual Elegance: Biography of Pauline Krehbiel Raid. Bluffton, OH: Bluffton College. [BX / 8143RAI / RIC]
  • Rich, Elaine S. (1983). Mennonite Women: Story Gods Faithfulness. Kitchener, ON: Herald Press. [BX / 8128 / RIC]
  • Rich, Elaine Summers. (1983). Mennonite Women: A Story of Gods Faithfulness. Kitchener, ON: Herald Press. [BX / 8128 / RICH83]
  • Richter, Ludwig. ([1930]). Frohe Zeiten: Ein liebliches Bilderbuch. Konstanz, Switz: Buch und Kunstverlag Carl Hirsch. [PN / 6071 / ANO]
  • Rieneker, Fritz. (1953). Evangelium Mattaeus (Das). Wuppertal, GER: R. Bruckhaus. [BS / 2575 / RIE]
  • Riggenbach, Emanuel. (1954). Du sollst wissen: Erzaehlung zur geschlechtlichen Aufklaerung der Knaben. Basel Switzerland: Author. [BX / 8005 / RIG]
  • Rimmer, C. Brandon. (1978). Dirks Escape (The): The True Story of a German Family Fleeing from the Specter of the Holocaust. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany Fellowship Inc.. [BX / 8143DIR / RIM]
  • Robert, General H.M.. (1982). Robert’s Rules of Order: The Standard Guide to Parliamentary Procedure. : Bantam Books. [AI / 1 / ROB]
  • Robertson, Heather. (1973). Grass Roots. Toronto, ON: J. Lewis & Samuel. [F / 1060 / ROB]
  • Roche, Douglas. (1989). Building Global Security: Agenda for the 1990’s. Toronto, ON: New Canada Publications. [HN / 17 / ROC]
  • Roe, James Moulton. (1958). Worlds Apart: The Popular Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, UK: British and Foreign Bible Society. [BV / 2370 / ROE]
  • Rogalski, Edgar. (2009). Diary of Johann Neufeld and Barbara Funk Neufeld: From the Russian Revolution to Pioneer Life in Peace River Alberta. unpublished: Author. [BX / 8143NEU / ROG]
  • Rogers, John. (1988). Medical Ethics, Human Choices: A Christian Perspective. Kitchener, ON: Herald Press. [R / 725 / ROG]
  • Rosemary Historical Society. (1977). Rosemary: Land of Promise. Rosemary, AB: Author. [F / 1075ROS / ROS]
  • Rosemary Historical Society. (1977). Rosemary: Land of Promise. Rosemary, AB: Rosemary Historical Society. [F / 1075ROS / ROS]
  • Rosthern Bible School. (1956). Torch (The). Rosthern, SK: Author. [BX / 8103RBS / 1956]
  • Rosthern Bible School. (1957). Torch (The). Rosthern, SK: Author. [BX / 8103RBS / 1957]
  • Rosthern Historical Society. (1977). Old & New Furrows: The Story of Rosthern. Altona, MB: D W Friessen & Sons. [F / 1070ROS / ROS]
  • Rosthern Junior College. (1950). Link. Rosthern, SK: Rosthern JuniorCollege. [BX / 8103RJC / RJC]
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Last Updated 18 Apr 2013

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