
of Alberta

Census for Chortitza Colony, 1858 Showing Data for Nikolaifeld, Yazykovo Residents of 1872 and 1873

Extracted by Tim Janzen

Household #in Nikolaifeldin the 1873Yazykovo ColonyCensus Name Age in 1858 Village and Homestead Numberwhere Listed in the
1858 Chorittza Colony Census
Males Females
1 Wilhelm Franz Franz Berg 16 Burwalde #34 227466
his wife Margaretha Peter 14
Johann Johann Johann Pauls 22 Burwalde #41
his wife Sara Benjamin 19
24 Isaac Isaac Klassen 27 Burwalde #21 371426
his wife Helena Johann 20
2 David David Koop 26 Chortitza #42
his wife Elizabeth Isaac 16
19 Peter Jacob Toews 10 Chortitza #20
his wife Helena Jacob 7
31 Isaac Isaac Friesen 35 Chortitza #19
his wife Katharina Jacob 52
his son Abraham 8
33 Bernhard Bernhard Rempel 23 Chortitza #42
his wife Maria Peter 16
3 Gerhard Bernhard Giesbrecht 40 Schoenhorst #39 158660
his wife Elizabeth Jacob 22
his sons Heinrich 14
Gerhard 8
Johann 2
his daughter Helena 6 She got married and moved to Kronsweide.
7 Heinrich Heinrich Peter Esau 13 Schoenhorst #12 196707
his wife Aganetha Jacob 11
8 Aron Johann Jacob Neufeld 11 Schoenhorst #79 57316
his wife Helena Jacob 10
17 Peter Peter Penner 28 Schoenhorst #50
his wife Justina Jacob 17
his sons Peter 6
Isaac 2
23 Johann Cornelius Penner 13 Schoenhorst #16 228077
his wife Maria Johann 14
27 Heinrich Dirk Bernhard Rempel 20 Schoenhorst #14 228606
his wife Anna Johann 15
34 Peter Heinrich Peter Esau 10 Schoenhorst #12 196709
his wife Helena Wilhelm 9
4 Johann Isaac Doell 13 Neuenburg #4 236572
his wife Aganetha Isaac 17
5 Peter Peter Vogt 26 Nieder Chortitza #22
his wife Anna Jacob 23
his daughter Katharina 1
Johann Johann Johann Dyck 17 Nieder Chortitza #8
his wife Susanna Martin 11
Julius Julius Toews 21 Nieder Chortitza #59
his wife Anna Peter 15
his daughter Anna by his first wife 1
25 Peter Wilhelm Thiessen 18 Nieder Chortitza #6 230057
his wife Katharina Peter 14
25 his brother-in-law Peter Peter Wieler 12 Nieder Chortitza #24 180255
Peter Peter Wieler’s wife Sara Jacob 6
6 Jacob Johann Johann Enns 17 Rosenthal #57
his wife Aganetha Jacob 13
Abraham David Isaac Woelk 11 Einlage #64 27762
his wife Helena Heinrich 10
18 Jacob Abraham Martin Hamm 17 Einlage #71
his wife Katharina Peter 15
Franz David Franz Doerksen 12 Neu Osterwick #42
his wife Maria Franz 13
Gerhard Bernhard Giesbrecht’s stepson Jacob Johann Peter Friesen 1 Neu Osterwick #17
Abraham Gerhard Enns 22 Neuendorf #51
his wife Sara Heinrich 21
Johann Anton Loewen 14 Neuendorf #39
his wife Anna Jacob 15
20 Jacob Heinrich Thiessen 41 Neuendorf #30
his wife Eva Peter 39
his son Jacob 12
his daughters Eva 8
Elizabeth 2
22 Peter Jacob Aron Peters 11 Neuendorf #107 234174
his wife Agatha Isaac 9
David Cornelius Jacob Friesen 18 Insel Chortitza #38
his wife Maria Jacob 12
29 David Zacharias Bartel-Mewsen 16 Insel Chortitza #34
his wife Katharina Peter 15
26 Peter Johann Schroeder 30 Kronsthal #9
his wife Susanna Franz 20
his foster child Helena Bernhard Braun 1 Kronsthal #10
28 the deceased Peter Johann Dyck’s wife Aganetha Julius 40 Neuhorst #10 186089
his son Julius 6
his daughter Aganetha 4
30 Bernhard Gerhard Penner 25 Blumengart #5
He died January 8, 1874
his wife Aganetha Isbrand 23
his sons Johann 6
Gerhard 3
Johann’s wife Elizabeth Johann Funk 6
32 Jacob Isaac Heinrichs 18 Kronsweide #68 207152
his wife Helena Wilhelm 16
21 Dietrich Andreas Bartel-Mewsen 16 Kronsgarten #4 97368
his wife Sara Cornelius 11
Johann Johann Klassen 16 Kronsgarten #16
Totals 46 42 (43)

© 2001 Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
Last Updated 19 December 2001

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